Example sentences of "seem at [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Overall most anthropologists would probably see indirect connection between all the factors which Engels considered , but these interrelations must remain much more problematic and ambiguous than they might seem at first , and the general conclusions which Engels sought in the work of Morgan are not possible .
2 The day after the declaration , which did not seem at first to be being taken seriously in Washington , Gen Noriega 's troops escalated the crisis into a confrontation .
3 The offer would seem at first sight to be an extremely generous one , but those who make it know it can not be accepted .
4 The rift between the two brothers recalls the one between Cain and Abel and would seem at first to be heading for a similar conclusion .
5 Intangible though bargaining power may seem at first , it has several important features .
6 It would seem at first sight feasible to calculate this size in a way which reflected precisely the actual use for each category .
7 That it should have been modelled on the Temple of Solomon may seem at first sight presumptuous , but it was an age that relished allusion , and Solomon , son of David , was of royal descent , anointed by Zadok the priest , and the king par excellence .
8 The establishment of such a correlation is not as easy as it might seem at first , because lead is only one ( and probably not one of the more important ) influences on the behaviour and intelligence of children , so that the correlation would at best be low , and hence require a large number of cases to be established at an acceptable level of statistical significance .
9 It may seem at first sight that the plot of land , the fief , as it was called , was a reward for service , something granted in exchange for service , which would fall in when the vassal died and be regranted to a new vassal .
10 This was not quite as outrageous as it might seem at first .
11 Another consideration is that English can seem at first glance rather different in primary and in secondary schools .
12 And so it might seem at first that the anorexic is striving to maintain worthlessness .
13 However , this limitation is not as serious as it may seem at first sight , since the thoughtful response may well be regarded as an adequate objective .
14 The intuitions most relevant to a study of meaning would seem at first sight to be intuitions about what things mean .
15 Innocuous though it may seem at first sight , this can be interpreted ( at least in the written form ) in two ways : either ‘ I dislike him ’ ( the most usual reading ) , or , in suitable contexts , ‘ It 's not true that I like him ’ ( for instance , in I do n't dislike him , but I do n't like him either ) .
16 This is not as heretical a suggestion as it might seem at first sight .
17 His consumption of nuclear waste would seem at first to be an ideal solution to the problems of both Martians and humans , but of course there is a hitch .
18 This might seem at first sight to express the naive view that onomatopoeia and other kinds of sound symbolism constitute essential features of poetry , but Wimsatt 's conception of the iconic function of language embraces a great deal more than this .
19 This does indeed seem at first sight to demonstrate that some of people 's most vivid , detailed and enduring memories are precisely the memories they have about situations in which they experienced high levels of emotional arousal .
20 Implausible as it might seem at first , there is now good evidence that nitric oxide ( NO ) is an important endogenous dioactive substance .
21 A curious fact which might seem at first to constitute an exception to this explanation turns out to provide further confirmation of it .
22 It might seem at first sight that this pace was unambiguously beneficial to demand ( being crucial to market growth ) and equally unambiguously detrimental to profitability ( being the only thing preventing a phenomenal profits bonanza ) .
23 If you were an ant crawling around in G– , it would seem at each node as if you were on G. The only way to tell the difference is that in G , if you go far enough in the right direction , then you arrive back where you began ; whereas in G– , the only way to return to the start is by retracing your steps .
24 To most contemporary Christians , of course , and even to most contemporary agnostics , the suggestion that Jesus had a twin brother will seem at best far-fetched , at worst blasphemous .
25 She did n't seem at all bothered that Gloria and Dot would have to go trudging off to another hospital somewhere else to find him .
26 While later law , for example , once familiar with trusts may have practised great toleration , if we look back to the origins of Roman trusts and their tentative beginnings with the rise of a consular jurisdiction , it does not seem at all plausible that absolutely any expression or gesture would immediately have been accepted .
27 It did n't seem at all surprising that she 'd slowed down a little .
28 Paul came in and did n't seem at all surprised by the theatrics when the curtains opened revealing the four of us .
29 I made myself a coffee and went to bed , pausing to look in and say goodnight to Nigel on the way , which at the time , and since , did n't seem at all an unusual thing to do .
30 ‘ But the doctors did n't seem at all surprised , ’ said Caroline , from Thurlby , South Lincolnshire
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