Example sentences of "seem [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 The outstanding results they continue to produce would seem to confirm the validity of the first assumption that they are naturally gifted .
2 Although supporting evolution , these discoveries did not always seem to confirm the Darwinian interpretation of how the process worked .
3 The north gate is presumed to lie at the point where modern Northgate Street cuts the line of the wall ; a Roman street underlying the modern one here would seem to confirm the correctness of this assumption .
4 How does the climate seem to affect the choice of farmers in deciding where in Britain to grow wheat ?
5 Since you are not altering the brain in any other way , the way the brain is organized would not seem to affect the interpretation of stimulation studies .
6 The acquisition of a new machine may temporarily raise enthusiasm for a particular task , but it does not seem to affect the basic feeling of satisfaction or dissatisfaction :
7 The LOS pressure , current smoking status , pack years , alcohol ounce years , age , and the use of bronchodilators did not seem to affect the oesophageal mucosa .
8 The mosquitoes do n't seem to like the rain either , they all seem to be at the back of the trench .
9 ‘ People do n't seem to like the look of sycamore at the moment .
10 He seemed to think that he had an idiot for an accuser , but his solicitor was not so happy ; he did n't seem to like the idea of having to address a witness through an intermediary .
11 He did n't seem to miss the gadgets and gizmos , though .
12 The housekeeper 's room even contains a servants ' library with books in three categories : ‘ One of books of divinity and morality : Another for housewifry ; A third of history , true adventures , voyages and innocent amusement ’ — the last , one notes , does not seem to include the novel .
13 Co-housing might seem to carry the ideological baggage of communes from decades past .
14 It did not seem to hit the kids hard but they did not show their feelings .
15 He did n't seem to see the crowd of mothers and children watching him .
16 When I explain what has caused offence , they just do n't seem to see the problem . ’
17 Whilst this is expecting a great deal for such groups , a measure of personal ministry to the individual plus group ministry to one another would seem to preserve the right balance .
18 But these moments did not seem to lose the play 's tension .
19 Lord Lane , the Lord Chief Justice , said a bare recitation of the facts would seem to support the contention the sentence was too lenient .
20 Such a theory would seem to support the notion of two distinct orientations of dramatic playing and performing , but Stanislavsky 's theory of acting seems to embrace both modes , leading us to consider the model as dialectic , each mode containing the seed of its opposite .
21 These studies would seem to support the view of a society in which sexual norms are slowly on the change .
22 This type of signalling does not seem to support the attenuation theory .
23 However , recent writings on leadership would seem to support the retention of the skills of the generalist administrator .
24 While that argument would beg an important question , on the face of it the marriage laws do seem to promote the function of optimal outbreeding .
25 Knowledge of what they were expected to do on discharge was equally scanty and the elderly people did not seem to connect the pattern of drug-taking in hospital with a possible continuation once they were home .
26 Men may , for example , both see themselves as ‘ stronger ’ than women and tend to see women as more weak and passive , but also see women as having a power over them that can seem to engulf the man in forms of emotional dependence by which he may feel threatened .
27 An empty lifestyle does seem to increase the chances of wool-sucking , and probably the best cure for it would be to make the cat 's way of life more surprising and complex .
28 Many , of course , are not , and that would seem to increase the need for the advantaged children to be given some understanding of the harsh world in which many other children have to live .
29 Halfway through a d-i-y job , when you reach for a screwdriver , do you always seem to find the right tip and size on the last you pick up ?
30 Whichever motive is uppermost for them , feminist linguists engaged in sex difference research do not seem to find the idea of studying difference problematic in itself .
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