Example sentences of "directly back to " in BNC.

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1 It can be traced directly back to the anti-Dreyfusard cause of the late nineteenth century .
2 This dog 's line went directly back to Arbo 's more famous brother Arco Torfwerk .
3 It leaves precious few clues for anyone in search of lines that trace directly back to Gedge 's own life .
4 Anyone viewing that figure can put the cursor on that item , press a key and be taken directly back to where the data was entered .
5 For Piaget , the adult 's ability to think logically , to manipulate symbols in meaningful ways and to solve complex problems can be traced directly back to the infant 's first attempts to make sense of her surroundings .
6 Running low on fuel Fuchida headed directly back to the battle fleet , now 190 miles north of Oahu .
7 Rather than strain the reader 's credulity by indulging in equivalent flights of genealogical fantasy , I shall start with our Victorian predecessors , since most of the currents of modern social anthropology ( as of sociology ) can be traced directly back to them .
8 If I could have foreseen the progress of events over the next two years I would probably have stood up and run directly back to Boulogne .
9 The idea is for the business to go directly back to the woodworker . ’
10 But whatever else was lost , the impetus that Winckelmann had given to Greek scholarship in Germany survived ; and if we wish to understand its subsequent history and the remarkable growth of German classical scholarship as a whole , we should not forget his formative contribution , even though much of the impending development can hardly be traced directly back to him .
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