Example sentences of "directly at [art] " in BNC.

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1 In this respect , CD-ROMS have more in common with printed abstracts and indexes , so Library users can search them directly at no cost to themselves .
2 Few people , I discovered , looked directly at a waiter 's eyes , even when they were talking to him .
3 U/V light is potentially damaging to the eyes , and you should never look directly at a lit-up tube .
4 When the famous peacock screen folded its tail and disappeared into the floor of the stage and the small orchestra began to play she was ready and waiting , standing on the slight rise looking directly at a stage which appeared suspended in the air against the night sky .
5 The arts are especially important and effective in arousing spiritual awareness because they can speak directly at a feeling level , as well as being free from any slavish dependence on religious ideas which are often rejected out of hand by secularists .
6 If I am looking directly at a stick insect , 8 inches in front of my nose and in strong daylight , I shall not be fooled by it .
7 Even if they do as much as glance directly at an advertisement , they rarely stop and read it carefully , making notes as they do so .
8 Slide your back foot up ( this may not be necessary in all cases ) and lift the kicking foot until the heel is pointing directly at the opponent 's mid-section .
9 Side kick ( a ) Lean away and point your heel directly at the opponent 's midsection
10 In the first scene of Annie Hall Woody Allen was talking directly at the audience .
11 Anyone interested in buying a painting should contact the artist directly at the telephone number given .
12 But the blame for its weakness can not be laid directly at the feet either of the takeover or of debt .
13 Some wardens accounted for the revenues of their bailiwicks directly at the Exchequer .
14 William Passelewe , for example , accounted directly at the Exchequer for £224.
15 Also , the wardens of the Forest of Dean , and of the forests between Oxford and Stamford bridges , were required to account directly at the Exchequer for the revenues of their bailiwicks , instead of farming them as had been the previous practice .
16 It would be like the attempt to look directly at the sun that dazzles and finally blinds rather than enlightens .
17 And he looked directly at the woman who had been the origin of his biting anger and smiled again .
18 One line from ‘ Frankly Mr Shankly ’ , a vindictive slab of sarcasm aimed directly at the fevered brow of Geoff Travis .
19 ‘ Panic ’ , the single , edged its way onto the radio playlists ; strange really as ‘ Panic ’ , the single , was aimed directly at the heart of Radio One idiocy .
20 Ideally , when touch legering , the rod should be pointing directly at the bait , so that the line does not have to travel over any angles .
21 Acyclovir given intravenously , orally or applied directly at the site of infection can accelerate healing and restrict the spread and recurrence of many herpes infections ( British Medical Journal , 1982 , vol 285 , p 1223 . ) .
22 ‘ The initial one is to the left , avoiding the whims and cluster of seven bunkers on the right , ’ advised the player 's guide he had bought for 25p , ‘ after which shots should be aimed directly at the flagstick . ’
23 Tetsu did n't aim directly at the flagstick .
24 A lot of players would simply set-up and hit the ball directly at the flag , and them wonder why they did n't get the ball close .
25 She saw that the leader of the religious group had separated himself from the majority and was standing near to the sea 's edge and looking directly at the horizon .
26 If the subject is looking directly at the camera , the head should generally be placed centrally in the frame .
27 As the name suggests , this consists of bouncing the light off reflective surfaces instead of aiming it directly at the subject .
28 Another point for them to remember is not to speak directly at the microphone but to aim instead just over the top of it ; this is to reduce the pick-up of breath noises and the distortion of plosive consonants .
29 Of the five schemes targeted directly at the unemployed , he particularly welcomed the new Education Allowance and also found the Community Action programme ‘ interesting ’ although he wants to see further details .
30 In A2U the hydroxyl group of Tyr 124 points directly at the electron density corresponding to bound ligand .
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