Example sentences of "male [conj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The difference between most ARC members and professional chefs , male or female , is that the former have not been through ‘ the system ’ .
2 Anyone , married or single , male or female , young or not-so-young can go to a family planning clinic .
3 Lawrence placed enormous emphasis on the duality of , and opposition between , the male and female principles : ‘ except in infinity , everything of life is male or female , distinct ’ ( Phoenix , 443 ) .
4 It is necessary for everyone , male or female , to maintain adequate muscle strength .
5 Her lover , whoever that may be , male or female , should direct the new reality out of the force .
6 Such horses , whether male or female , will be low in the pecking order , and will be easier for people to manage .
7 Rulers who let their hearts rule their heads tended to court disaster , be they male or female ; and there have been plenty of examples of both .
8 In the present instance however , ( the poems of a certain Mrs. Leapor excepted , who published some 40 years ago ) I discern , I think , more marks of a true poetical talent than I remember to have observed in the verses of any , whether male or female , so disadvantageously circumstanced .
9 Fellatio is the oral stimulation of the penis and cunnilingus is the oral stimulation of the clitoris and vulva by the sexual partner , male or female .
10 MATURE AGONY AUNT seeks uncomplicated relationship with anyone male or female , age unimportant , everything unimportant , but please no critics .
11 The priest may be black or white , fair or dark , old or young , good-looking or ugly , male or female … for the priest is a symbol , which is quite different from a picture — the representation attempted by an artist .
12 The researchers fed the emerging larvae , which they later found to be equally male or female , on sloth hair ( on which a green algae often grows ) , sloth dung , and leaves from those trees on which sloths generally feed .
13 Anyone , male or female , can get AIDS form intercourse
14 Neither would it be a good idea for anyone , male or female , to hitch-hike alone across Europe .
15 But there was no allowance of coal for debtors , male or female , except in very severe winter weather , or unless a special order was made by visiting magistrates .
16 He could n't say whether the person was male or female , because the curtain was drawn halfway across .
17 They are then much better off neutered — male or female .
18 But one of Charles 's achievements was to ensure that all his children who reached adulthood , male or female , could at least sign their names ; his daughter Elizabeth had produced a most business-like signature at her marriage in 1802 and , here at All Hallows , Benjamin signed with a flourish , above the rather more demure attempt of his new wife .
19 The Working Party helped me to express my lesbianism in a positive way in that I could come out , and it helped me to deal with the suspicion and fears of colleagues Black and white , gay or straight , male or female .
20 He did n't move from the middle of the hall , but watched Maggie standing in a doorway to the right , and she turned her face to him , laughing now as the voice from the other room came to him , saying , ‘ Male or female ? ’
21 For two thousand years there has been an unresolved question : whether word endings of nouns and pronouns , as well as articles , are an extension of the qualities regarded as male or female .
22 On being asked by someone else whether she saw God as male or female , she replied ‘ Neither : I see him as an absolute supreme Being ! ’ .
23 Police in Sunderland do not know if the badly decomposed remains found in the River Wear are male or female .
24 You rarely come across anyone , male or female , with enough gall to get onstage who does n't at least , at some point , try to display their true nature .
25 They are also available free , whether you are male or female , from family planning clinics .
26 Everyone , whether male or female , single or married , now receives their own Personal allowance , which can be set against any income including savings or a pension as well as earned income .
27 But a woman-identified psychologist , male or female , is in any case still a psychologist , and shows traces of the male-identified authority this position carries .
28 It tries to explain how it is that ‘ when you meet a human being , the first distinction you make is , ‘ male or female ? ’ and you are accustomed to making the distinction with unhesitating certainty ’ ( Freud 1933 : 113 ) .
29 Therefore , the receptionist , whether male or female , has a very special role to play in the establishment .
30 It is essential that a receptionist , whether male or female , should appear on duty immaculate in every way .
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