Example sentences of "developed and [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Marx and Engels repeatedly emphasized that by ‘ dialectically ’ confronting what was contradictory in the main intellectual currents of their day , and by forcibly demonstrating the class biases which produced intellectual contradictions , their own distinctive theories could be developed and enhanced .
2 The maintenance of friendships and relationships requires a certain amount of deliberate effort and hard work : they have to be developed and cultivated .
3 Different large-scale multi-divisional enterprises may exploit these advantages in different degrees , according to the form and degree of diversification they have developed and according to the particular effectiveness of their management , but the general point here is that these advantages can not be written off as financial/speculative considerations .
4 A text critical edition replete with learned commentary will be developed and become a valuable reference tool .
5 Psychometric tests which attempt to measure students ' ability to use the library have been developed and made use of primarily in the USA .
6 Our information sources were being developed and made more rapidly available by access to a central computer in line with police methods .
7 This continues to be the case in all the countries we studied , although their potential is rarely fully developed and utilized .
8 But talent can be developed and trained and provide a sound basis for you to give of the best there is inside you .
9 As music and musical instruments developed and became more flexible , so did the dance .
10 The army itself changed radically as the mobile units developed and became paramount , with the garrisons , even those of the legions , being relegated to a role of static defence with troops recruited on a hereditary basis .
11 Large areas of conventional medicine thus represent particular aspects of traditional medicine systematically developed and extended .
12 Furthermore , as the French kings developed and extended their legal powers they increasingly intervened in the affairs of the duchy , and cases arising in the duchy might be taken on appeal to Paris , thus undermining the authority of the duke .
13 It is clear that science will advance more efficiently if theories are so structured as to contain within them fairly clear clues and prescriptions as to how they should be developed and extended .
14 It is no longer adequate just to produce a plan of a church : all walls and elevations need to be examined closely , since most churches are built , developed and extended over a long period .
15 From the eleventh century onward the eastern arm was developed and extended , partly to provide more space for chapels and relics and partly to seclude the clergy from the laity .
16 The social service jobs that can be developed and filled most easily are , of course , those at the paraprofessional level .
17 The unique magnetic clamp which holds the blade in place has been specially developed and patented by Martek .
18 A new four-channel engine immobiliser system has been developed and added to the range .
19 As a result they were unable to perceive the direction in which a genuine rehabilitation of price theory must be developed and proceeded instead to construct models which suffer from the very defects that invalidate the perfectly competitive model .
20 This promising approach to pest control is in its infancy , but varieties that are less attractive to certain pests are constantly being developed and tested .
21 The probabilistic analyser has been developed and tested out .
22 A functional model of face recognition will be developed and tested .
23 It was they who controlled the way in which performers , who came largely from working-class backgrounds , developed and packaged popular forms into acceptable acts .
24 The name shall be ‘ The Medau Society of Great Britain & Northern Ireland ’ with the sub-title ‘ for the encouragement of Medau Rhythmic Movement , the form of movement education developed and taught by Herr and Frau Medau ’ .
25 Section 1 NAME at present reads : The name shall be ‘ The Medau Society of Great Britain & Northern Ireland ’ with the sub-title ‘ for the encouragement of the Medau Rhythmic Movement , the form of movement education developed and taught by Herr and Frau Medau ’ .
26 The name shall be ‘ The Medau Society ’ with the sub-title ‘ for the encouragement of Medau Rhythmic Movement , the form of movement education developed and taught by Herr and Frau Medau ’ .
27 Ninety small firms are operating in the Brunswick Industrial Park , a marina now graces the once derelict docks and about 100 low income houses for rent have been built and over 200 flats for sale at the top end of the Merseyside housing market developed and sold .
28 The literature is well developed and offers a wealth of suggestions .
29 Although there are still a number of problems to be solved , in contrast to the difficulties of comparing data reported for different spatial units , these aspects of data integration are fairly well developed and understood .
30 It is useful for bringing together the separate parts of the ANLT and the grammar and lexicon can be developed and altered within this environment .
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