Example sentences of "officers [verb] been " in BNC.

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1 In accordance with a request from the Association of Charity Officers , it is confirmed that an amount of £5,000 from public funds provided through the Association of Charity Officers has been received by the Association and utilised for provision of physiotherapy equipment for the new Therapy Wing at Sussexdown .
2 Recently a new proposal for improving the lot of preregistration house officers has been suggested by the Council of Deans of United Kingdom Medical Schools and Faculties .
3 The separation of these various powers between three officers has been criticised as likely to lead to a confusion of managerial authority ( Leach 1989:118 ) , and certainly it represents a move away from the chief executive model advocated in the Bains Report .
4 Both local and national industrial action by prison officers has been a recurrent event .
5 National Certificate for prison works officers has been developed by SCOTVEC in collaboration with the Scottish Prison Service .
6 Liaison with other Student Enterprise Officers has been beneficial , with the formation of the Scottish Student Enterprise Forum .
7 A team of around 30 detectives and uniformed officers has been working on the inquiry .
8 The rebel officers had been passed over for promotion as General Noriega strengthened his control of the military 's two key policy-making bodies , the General Staff and the Strategic Military Council .
9 The authority knew of two where officers had been disciplined — the Paul Dandy and Clifford Jones cases — and one under investigation — the Brown case .
10 These officers had been loyal to Allende .
11 The officers had been plotting a map , in changing colours , to show how the contras were fading out of Nicaragua ; suddenly it reversed its trend , and they were back .
12 The resultant outcry led to an internal inquiry which exonerated those involved and stated that the police officers had been issued with sledgehammers and crowbars ‘ to effect speedy entry ’ .
13 The development officers had been given approximate hourly costs ( or costs per visit ) of other home services and had to calculate , using these figures , the existing expenditure on each client .
14 Some British officers had been sent to help the Madeirans with their resistance , but they had arrived only a few days before the Portuguese troops landed and had not had time to organize .
15 The four named officers had been arrested at the same time as Beattie and had already appeared before ‘ Diplock ’ tribunals and been released .
16 The officers had been tipped off that a film idol was going to be a guest of Lila Leeds .
17 The 4,538 spectators at the game included about 1,000 visiting fans , and extra police officers had been drafted in for the game due to Cardiff 's large away following .
18 He knew of the coup attempt of seven weeks earlier and he had heard the rumour that nine Air Force officers had been put to death .
19 Since all the officers had been required to learn Morse code , each plane had an officer in the tail .
20 But the officers had been given no orders to occupy these positions , so they simply returned to their lines to await instructions .
21 A group of revolutionary officers had been drinking and were in the room with her , some in a state of undress .
22 Two hundred thousand veterans had been recalled to the Eagles , the half-pay officers had been restored to their battalions , and the arsenals of France had been filled .
23 He tore a page from his notebook , offered it with a pencil to Sharpe , then volunteered his own patrol to take the despatch to General Dornberg 's headquarters in Mons. Dornberg was the General in charge of these cavalry patrols which watched the French frontier , and finding one of his officers had been a stroke of luck for Sharpe ; by pure accident he had come across the very men whose job was to alert the allies of any French advance .
24 Once his officers had been provided with a comprehensive register of the homages and other obligations of Gascon vassals , Edward could set about the task of governing his duchy with some confidence .
25 There is his Author 's Note to Victorious Troy to assure us that he has spoken with a boy whose experience had been similar to that of Dick Pomfret and that cases where dismasted sailing ships without officers had been brought to port by boys were not unknown , but we hardly need this assurance in order to believe that Dick , not unaided but with a responsibility beyond his years , did in fact bring the Hurrying Angel home in the end .
26 Certain British officers had been friendly with Saw , while Military Intelligence had been indicating since May that Saw was planning to seize power .
27 It was resurrected by the rising of Corunna which , by a reversion to the revolutionary federalism of 1808 , claimed to be the capital of all Galicia , and by risings in Barcelona , Saragossa , and Pamplona where officers had been plotting with the poet Quintana ( 21 February to 5 March ) .
28 The Taylor report found some responsibility for the tragedy lay with the stadium 's management , some with the fans and some with the South Yorkshire police , and suggested that senior officers had been dubious witnesses .
29 Back home , the massed ranks of the Federal government 's press officers had been deployed to exploit the triumph of Goldenrod and the supposed deterrent value of President Reagan 's ‘ They-can-run-but-they-can't-hide ’ anti-terrorist programme .
30 The officers had been telling her about this particular woman who was very lonely .
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