Example sentences of "decided make [art] " in BNC.

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1 In fact ‘ they ’ said a lot of things when Wild Country decided to make a Flexible Friend 3 .
2 ‘ We decided to make a commitment and moved down to Malton in North Yorkshire so we could go to Bible College .
3 In 1947 Claud decided to make a complete break with his past and they settled near her family home in Youghal in a derelict Georgian mansion belonging to an American policeman which they rented for £150 a year .
4 ‘ I decided to make a go of it , ’ she says
5 Tolkien and Lewis , in some of the same spirit , decided to make a party issue out of the election to the Oxford Chair of Poetry in 1938 .
6 Whereas Bismarck had wanted constantly to reassure the other countries of Europe that Germany was satiated , and wanted to act as an honest broker between East and West ( his banker , Bleichröder , tartly remarked that there is no such thing as an honest broker ) , Wilhelmine Germany decided to make a bid for power in competition nth the other great powers , chiefly Britain .
7 Schott decided to make a break for the main rendezvous point with Stirling , and set off in the 3-tonner with his men .
8 At five to eight , the deadline , I decided to make a run for it , and was within sight of the doors when , without any warning at all , my stomach muscles suddenly began to roll up like a shop blind and I was violently and horribly sick .
9 When Hollywood moguls decided to make a feature film of Gungha Din they brought Sir Robert from Canada to act as technical advisor .
10 The producers liked the idea so much that they decided to make a two part series full of dancing , celebrations , cookery and food .
11 Also , we decided to make a stylistic change on this record and I see a lot of other metal bands following suit .
12 By contrast , when Stacey and her colleagues decided to make a restudy of Banbury , they felt that they should ask permission of that town before they did so .
13 After prompting from its bigger corporate customers , Programming Research decided to make a commitment to use Motif around 18 months ago .
14 At the end of the conference the participants decided to make a collective appeal to Boris Yeltsin which warns of the extreme seriousness of the situation and of the danger that government funding for Russia 's museums could die out .
15 I decided to make a development of a circular pedestal table that we made for a client last year .
16 A bird that thought so and decided to make a meal of it would quickly die .
17 I suppose it was just my managerial instinct coming to the fore , but I decided to make a tactical substitution .
18 After that , I decided to make a cut for each day .
19 Being a cautious kind of chap , I decided to make a phone call before reaching before reaching for my cheque book .
20 Dexter decided to make a joke of it .
21 We 've never been keen gardeners but last year we decided to make a special effort and bought a big selection of plants and seeds .
22 By the second half of February the Germans were beginning to be really worried by the advance — although slow — of the Allies and by the strong resistance of the partisans , so they decided to make a deal with the partisan leaders to save their own lives .
23 h " Do n't be so fresh ! " i She decided to make a fresh start .
24 Because import duty ( 35 per cent on ornamented goods ) and freight charges , had from the start pushed prices up in the US , Peter now decided to make a virtue of necessity and deliberately aimed for an exclusive designer image with corresponding price tag .
25 She decided to make a herb sauce to go with the cold poached mackerel , rather than the mayonnaise Madeleine had planned .
26 A governess who decided to make a change .
27 Before the Bill came before the House , we decided to make a change so that an authority with very enlightened policies — such as East Northants — which was able to reduce both its community charge and that which the county imposed should be permitted to continue doing so under the council tax .
28 The only catch is whether you decided to make a wise investment or take a speculative chance some months or even years ago .
29 She decided to make a fruit salad , and sat peeling and chopping as the children ate their tea .
30 While waiting for a reply , Franco decided to make a direct appeal to Hitler on the Nazi Party network , through certain members of the German business community in Morocco .
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