Example sentences of "provision [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 The typically bi-modal career followed by women in Britain over recent decades ( leaving aside the marriage bar which affected older women ) has meant that married women and mothers of any marital status do not fit into structures of occupational pension provision designed for male breadwinners .
2 This , as mentioned above , is defined as ‘ educational provision which is additional to , or otherwise different from , the educational provision made for children of [ the child 's ] age in schools maintained by the LEA ’ .
3 Bodies such as the Kenya Institute of Education with some thirty full-time professional staff and the Zambia Curriculum Development Centre with about forty , would claim , probably rightly , that they were still understaffed and often experience difficulty in securing the release of the most able teachers from schools and colleges , but the provision made for them is certainly more realistic than that available in University Institutes like those in Ahmadu Bello or Sierra Leone .
4 By analysing a job with the benefit of experience , the peaks and troughs of activity can be identified and proper provision made for staff allocation .
5 Despite the fact that most space is given over to circulation and parking , with special provision made for particular needs ( Figure 6.45 ) , the area is still overwhelmed by the sheer volume of parked vehicles .
6 The camera can be preset or remotely controlled to cover the subject or area to be photographed , and provision made for a sequence of pictures or a single exposure , according to the camera type and its shutter release .
7 Teaching , then , can be conceived of as a research activity whereby experimental techniques of instruction are designed to correspond with hypothetical principles of pedagogy , with provision made for mutual adjustment so as to bring validity of principle into as close an alignment as possible with the utility of technique .
8 These may be formulated in more or less specific terms and the rather general issues that I have already outlined may be broken down into more narrowly focused questions and be dealt with in more than one module with provision made for explicit cross-reference .
9 The provision made for those moving from region to region is limited and most have to rejoin the waiting list .
10 He displayed perfectly that contradiction of attitude ( or ‘ supreme paradox ’ , as Phillipson puts it ) in ‘ expert ’ thinking on old age that had emerged by the 1940s — on the one hand portraying the elderly as a disastrous burden on society ( men over the age of 65 and women ova 60 had formed 6.2 per cent of the British population in 1901 , an estimated 12.0 per cent in 1941 , and would be 20.8 per cent in 1971 ) , yet on the other hand , paying lip-service to their status as an exceptionally deserving group : ‘ Provision made for age must be satisfactory ; otherwise great numbers may suffer .
11 Their four million inhabitants have an automatic right of access to ‘ wild land ’ , with provision made for privacy , disturbance and damage .
12 The picture includes the provision made for amateur and professional , part-time and full-time church musicians .
13 There is provision made for a rudder assembly on the Seayak but my version came without one so I can not vouch for its effectiveness in steering .
14 The Department of Education had accepted criticisms of the provision made for young children in ordinary elementary schools and had phased out arrangements for under-threes by 1904 ( in 1875 elementary schools accommodated 19,358 under-threes ) .
15 Ulster Unionist MP Roy Beggs said today it was essential that dyslexia was recognised as a problem and proper provision made for it in primary and secondary schools .
16 An annualized inflation rate of between 12 and 15 per cent was predicted and provision made for salary increases in line with this rate .
17 And so there does not need to be a separate provision made for numbers of concealed households .
18 In response to requests from a number of Departments within the University , the Enterprise Centre looked at the provision made for students wishing to start their own businesses or with business ideas which they want to explore .
19 I 've taken the view that since you all appear to be happy with the provision made for you in I five , you do n't wish to make any comment ?
20 She was an extremely angry , very bitter woman , who was determined to get everybody around her as angry as she could , and she succeeded , and I do n't know where she 's moved now , but I 'm sure she will go on and do the same thing , and frankly , I despair of anything being done unless there is some provision made for people such as herself , and one of her friends in particular .
21 This provision allows for a unilateral decision of suspension by a State that does not claim to be specially affected by the breach where it feels the consequences of the breach undermines the entire Convention .
22 No provision exists for such powers of attorney in English law .
23 By a notice of appeal dated 12 December 1990 the plaintiffs appealed on the grounds , inter alia , ( 1 ) that the judge erred in law in holding that the first defendant was entitled to add to any security , all the costs charges and expenses , however unreasonable they were ; ( 2 ) the judge failed to follow the decision in In re Adelphi Hotel ( Brighton ) Ltd. [ 1953 ] 1 W.L.R. 955 ; ( 3 ) the judge erred in law in construing the charging covenants of the legal mortgage which were all in similar terms that all costs charges and expenses howsoever incurred by the first defendant or any receiver under or in relation to the mortgage or such indebtedness or liabilities on a full indemnity basis as allowing the first defendant to charge as it pleased however unreasonable such a charge might be ; and ( 4 ) the judge erred in law in not construing that provision as a provision providing for taxation or computation on an indemnity basis of the first defendant 's costs , charges and expenses .
24 Do you regard provision in accord with point one as being part of the provision provided for N I five ?
25 Now can I er also suggest to you that in discussing this one outstanding item of the housing land allocations , we pursue virtually the same sort of approach that we did yesterday , er and in fact if you look at what is set down under matter One D for discussion , it says is the provision proposed for the Greater York area including the new settlement appropriate etcetera , and in fact when you look at the first item for discussion under the Greater York new settlement issue , we come straight into , does Greater York new settlement represent an appropriate and justified policy response , etcetera .
26 Can we now move to the other erm what I would describe as er item of contention , which is the amount of provision proposed for Richmondshire .
27 The enlarged access provision accounts for 35 per cent of credit available .
28 There is however some provision un-quantified for B one use in I five .
29 As this provision catered for only a small proportion of part-time further education teachers and , with very few exceptions , led to no formal qualification , it in no way constituted an adequate or unified system of training .
30 Even when only historic costs are being recognized there are still subjective judgements which have to be made to produce balance sheets and income statements : how much depreciation to charge ; how to calculate the closing stock figure ; what provision to make for doubtful debts , etc .
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