Example sentences of "principle [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 In the same way , the capacity of the British to accelerate development vindicated their expropriation of India ( the same principle justified the French seizure of Algeria and the North American annexation of northern Mexico ) .
2 Information is another vital principle to enable the citizen to influence the provision of services .
3 In any case , not all bishops had sympathized with Winchelsey , whose tactless and blundering adherence to principle divided the bench .
4 Waltham , Massachusetts-based Kronos Inc agreed in principle to acquire the technology and some assets of Computer Recovery Inc , an AS/400 software development company based in Alvarado , Texas , on undisclosed terms : it specialises in providing AS/400 time accounting software .
5 The leaders of the four parties met again on Feb. 28 and reached agreement in principle to restart the political negotiations , if assurances were received from Major and the UK Labour Party leader , Neil Kinnock , that any talks would continue on the same basis after the UK general election .
6 Capital gains are a better proxy for the full benefits from interlocking holdings , since they ought in principle to absorb the value created in all the businesses involved .
7 In the United States this principle has the status of a constitutional principle , and the Supreme Court has on many occasions overturned criminal convictions because the supposed crime was too vaguely defined to give the necessary notice .
8 On March 14 the Malaysian Foreign Minister , Omar Abu Hassan , said that ASEAN had agreed in principle to accept the Soviet Union as a dialogue partner , and was also considering China , Vietnam and Burma in the same capacity .
9 The proposal document is surprisingly vague about the relationship between enhanced library stock and curriculum provision , when one considers the importance attached to this as the major principle underpinning the project .
10 An agreement in principle to sell the building to its bankers has been reached , but disagreements among the banks have yet to be sorted out as well as finalising a support package from the Canadian government .
11 The owner of the estate , American John Kluge , agreed in principle to sell the estate to the crown rather than put it on the open market , but he did not consider the resulting offer to be high enough .
12 Whether in television , theatre , cinema , fine art or charity advertising , the tragedy principle uses the impairment as a metaphor and a symbol for a socially unacceptable person and it is this tragedy principle which is the bone-cage surrounding historical and current disability representation .
13 This principle limits the degree to which state agencies and provisions in the area of welfare can take over responsibilities from individuals or from smaller , ‘ natural ’ units , upholding instead the rights of individuals to secure and shape the means with which they shape their role in society autonomously ( von Nell-Breuning , 1976 ) .
14 He selects a version of the ‘ harm to interests ’ principle to set the scope of the obligations of criminal law , and then adopts a choice theory in order to determine the issue of personal responsibility .
15 Thus in the absence of complications due to symmetry , we may in principle count the number of CO ligands in a complex simply by counting the CO stretching bands in the vibrational spectrum .
16 It was also agreed in principle to strengthen the European Parliament by making it an elected body .
17 It is always possible to fashion a principle to fit the argument of the moment .
18 The articulating principle governing the social meaning of this music for its audience must be defined in terms of a conjunction of new representations of leisure , the body , gender relations and capitalist consumption , tied in turn to the objectively new social-economic position of this audience in post-war capitalist society .
19 The general principle governing the work is that the determination of income of different groups is subject to identifiable , changeable ‘ rules ’ ( which are not always explicitly stated in any formal way ) .
20 The " and then " reading of both ands in the first sentence can be shown to be systematically " read in " to conjoined reports of events by a pragmatic principle governing the reporting of events tell them in the order in which they will or have occurred .
21 This principle includes the need to see whether the professional or other body under scrutiny not only has rules of conduct , which will be thoroughly scrutinised within the statutory machinery , but also has an effective mechanism for enforcing the rules of conduct and is likely to enforce them .
22 He submitted that the court should not in principle vary the injunction at the behest of the contemner , and thus increase the adverse consequences upon the plaintiffs .
23 Here , as in the previous item , conciliar recognition of the rightness of the Oriental tradition in principle undermines the Latin system as legally enforced elsewhere .
24 The other evolutionary principle concerns the introduction of devices from marginal or popular genres into the mainline of literary development to replace outworn ones .
25 Although open to misinterpretation , this at least in principle shows the extent to which employers were hunting for workers .
26 As emphasized in Section 17.4 , linear stability theory does not in principle predict the type of motion that eventually occurs as a result of this growth — non-linear processes must always come into play before that stage .
27 Thus ministerial responsibility is the main principle moulding the structure and outlook of the senior civil service and it is retained because it does much to reinforce the special position and powers both of ministers and of civil servants .
28 Gurirab had insisted before the talks that Namibia would settle for nothing less than South Africa 's agreement in principle to cede the territories .
29 The first of these principles is laid down in Article 5 of the EEC Treaty , which requires Member States to take all appropriate measures to ensure the effectiveness of Community law ; the second principle underlies the constitutional tradition common to the Member States and is also laid down in Articles 6 and 13 of the European Convention of Human Rights .
30 This principle captures the fact that the speakers of languages depend on consistency of denotation from one time to the next in the meaning of a word or expression .
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