Example sentences of "argument from [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Sitting in Manchester , the judge said after listening to two hours of legal argument from counsel for Blandford , his wife and the Official Solicitor , that he now had no power to rectify his error made on May 17 when he ordered the Marquess to be jailed if he failed to pay the money in two weeks .
2 The Argument from Error
3 The argument from error exposes the consequences of this approach for epistemology .
4 How strong is the scepticism which the argument from error would create if successful ?
5 If , as I shall argue in 4.2 , there is no separable area in which we make no mistakes , then the argument from error will be global rather than local .
6 This is the argument from error ( 1.2 ) .
7 Nozick wants to unroll this sceptical argument while admitting its first move , and it is the argument from error that forces that admission .
8 So it is only if he admits the strength of the argument from error that he can think he is getting anywhere by refuting PC k .
9 But if we had no independent reason for accepting this conclusion , such as the argument from error provides , we would take it as a point against his theory that it shows we do n't know the most central and obvious things such as that we are not brains in vats , that there is a material world or that the world began more than five minutes ago .
10 So he can not cast off the argument from error and rely entirely on the conditional theory to show that K aq is here false .
11 Second , there is something right about an argument which holds , as does the argument from error , that for the very same sort of reason that you do n't know you are not a brain in a vat , you do n't know , e.g. , that The Times will be published tomorrow , nor whether you are sitting reading .
12 The argument from error has here a plausible consistency , while the point which Nozick takes to be his strength begins to look like a weakness .
13 Third , the argument from error can not be attacked for relying on PC k .
14 But if the argument from error does rely on PC k , which on his theory is invalid , he lacks that independent support and with it a considerable degree of plausibility .
15 He could say that his conception of knowledge is an externalist conception , while our sceptical argument from error is an internalist one .
16 If externalism is a sound stance , then the argument from error is irrelevant ; for it does no more than elaborate on a defective ( though traditional ) approach to epistemology or if it does more , it succeeds only in showing how that defective approach must lead to scepticism .
17 As an externalist , would he not be justified in simply dismissing the argument from error as an irrelevant expression of internalism ?
18 We still have no answer to the sceptical argument from error .
19 The argument from error will recur as a persistent threat .
20 The argument from error can be used to show that we know of cases where others have successfully concealed their states of mind , or pretended to be in a state of mind other than their own ( these possibilities are not really distinct ) .
21 To use the argument from error without that assumption we would have to point to cases when we mistakenly took there to be another mind present .
22 There is an obvious weakness in this attempt to use an argument from experience to justify all arguments from experience .
23 Apes and man : the argument from descent
24 There are thus two possible lines of inquiry ; the first , the argument from descent , is to look to relationships likely to connect the human species with ape-like ancestors ; the second is to compare man with less closely related primates that have followed a similar evolutionary path in invading the savannah lands , an argument therefore by analogy .
25 As to the first , it is not surprising that poorer citizens , especially those from more distant demes , found it hard to walk in to the frequent meetings of the Council ( though the argument from distance should not be overstated : Andokides ( i.38 ) mentions an early morning walk of twenty miles from Laurion to Athens as nothing special ) .
26 Nevertheless , in some cases at least , an argument from lack of expertise might well support a refusal by a court to hear a particular dispute .
27 The ‘ argument from silence ’ will not do , especially in the late Victorian era .
28 The argument to the contrary is largely an argument from silence , but the silence is suggestive .
29 Nor is the argument from silence the only one .
30 The argument to the contrary is largely an argument from silence , but the silence is suggestive .
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