Example sentences of "demand for [art] " in BNC.

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1 This is an author who has contributed to the Russia which has come after him — to the emergence there , at the present time , of the demand for a lawful Opposition , for the duality of democracy .
2 This year Benskins came back with a demand for a £5,000 a year increase that would have taken John 's annual rent to £23,000 plus £100 a week for the business rate .
3 But Christian MPs held firm to their demand for a programmed Syrian military withdrawal , brushing aside repeated verbal assurances from Arab countries that such a withdrawal would take place .
4 He said this did not amount to a demand for a right of veto : ‘ The principle we stick to is that the PLO will be totally out of the picture . ’
5 Income elasticity measures the percentage change in demand for a product ( eg electrical goods ) given a small percentage change in GDP per head of the population .
6 Income elasticity of demand for any product will change as income per head rises , but when income per head is currently at a certain level , income elasticity of demand for a product can be estimated from the statistical analysis .
7 Regression analysis is a statistical technique for predicting demand for a product ( a dependent variable ) from the value of one or more other factors ( independent variables ) .
8 If there were a huge demand for a quality left-wing paper then sales of the Guardian would increase sharply and ( less certainly ) an enterprising businessman might provide another left-wing alternative .
9 If a crash comes in Germany we shall have a financial situation something like that at the outbreak of war , and there will be a demand for a moratorium all round .
10 These two forms of dissent coalesced in the demand for a stronger approach to the Tory nostrum of tariff reform .
11 Two highly successful Scripture Union events in February at Colchester and Newport Pagnell , where committee members contributed , highlighted the demand for a worker .
12 She sidestepped Mr Shore 's demand for a select committee inquiry into the ‘ enormous ’ threat to Westminster 's powers posed by the last two stages of the Delors plan , centralised banking and budgetary controls .
13 The bill accepts the administration 's demand for a $150,000 limit on the punitive damages that women may seek from companies that practice discrimination ( although there is no limit on compensatory damages ) .
14 Jacob 's demand for a blessing is only what we would expect , and yet it prepares us for the turning point in the story , which follows immediately afterwards , and takes us back into the clearer air of the larger narrative .
15 It saw the defeat of Adlai Stevenson whose demand for a suspension of tests brought an off of immediate agreement from Prime Minister Bulganin … to which Eisenhower responded by accusing the Russians of ‘ internal interference ’ in his re-election campaign .
16 Although in the first war years the Party substantially cut down the number of meetings devoted to ‘ training ’ in ideological matters — which had never enjoyed much popularity — and concentrated in its regular work in the localities on trying to fulfil ‘ the popular demand for a more lively participation in the events of the day ’ , as one report put it , it was unable to build up much interest in Party work or to enhance the popularity of the local Party organizations .
17 Due to the exceptional demand for a quality platform step ladder in our Special Offers last year , this year we are offering the Goldstar four-tread step ladder .
18 The leader in the second paper , headed ‘ An Affront to Human Dignity , ’ was on much the same lines , ending with a demand for a Royal Commission to look into the ‘ hidden and possibly evil secrets of the laboratories of Britain 's universities ’ and an appeal to ‘ right-thinking people ’ to raise their voices against this outrageous treatment of a helpless baby .
19 America 's black nationalism , on the other hand , was an identification with independence struggles in Africa , not a demand for a separate territory .
20 Thus the call for an independent Poland was a demand for a new imperialist power .
21 What I did not realise then — but what I would discover the moment I embarked on my journey to those front doors — was that I had touched upon the essence of the Arab–Israeli war ; that while the existence of the Palestinians and their demand for a nation lay at the heart of the Middle East crisis , it was the contradiction inherent in the claims to ownership of the land of Palestine — the ‘ homeland ’ of the Jews in Balfour 's declaration — which generated the anger and fear of both Palestinians and Israelis .
22 The surge of expansion and commitment to equality ( in some of its many forms ) which underlay this conviction sat uncomfortably with notions of selection at eleven-plus , but reinforced the rising demand for a huge expansion of higher education .
23 And part of the demand for a centralized curriculum , dictated from above , has stemmed from the confused notion that such a curriculum would be not only vocational and future-directed , but strict , narrow , and exact , containing within itself its own criteria of rightness and wrongness .
24 The demand for central direction , then , partly as we have seen , a demand that the Local Education Authorities should be kept in their place , has become also a demand for a particular style of rigorous , and rigorously examined , curriculum .
25 ( Gledhill 1954 , p. 44 ) This demand for a wider and less myopic frame of analysis has only recently and partially begun to be met , primarily in a shift towards an interest in actual spectatorship , but also in related issues such as the experience of viewing and the role of cultural differences in film reception and production .
26 Local authorities to a very great extent are responsible for the present ‘ grant control ’ which is exercised by Central Government for , whenever in recent years the Central Government have asked them to carry out some new function the local authorities have countered the request by a demand for a Government grant to assist with the new service .
27 Then , too , a demand for a public inquiry into drug safety was turned down — the minister was Dr David Owen — as it had earlier been over thalidomide by David Ennals .
28 Instead the MEPs renewed their demand for a directive , based on the World Health Organisation 's code , that would be binding on the industry .
29 This level increases depending on our activity and the demand for a surge of blood to be sent where it is needed , for instance to the muscles during exercise or to our brain when under pressure mentally .
30 In economic terminology their demand for a nest is ‘ inelastic ’ : however much the ‘ price ’ goes up , the birds seem willing to pay it .
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