Example sentences of "appeared at the " in BNC.

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1 Metty is a misfit , as Golding 's Matty is in Darkness Visible , a novel which appeared at the same time as Naipaul 's .
2 ‘ Sir Vivien often played a round before breakfast , ’ said Major Ernest ‘ Tiger ’ Bagshot , 43 , Secretary of Royal Wrigglesworth , ‘ But my suspicions were aroused when his black labrador , Bonzo , appeared at the clubhouse at approximately ten o'clock .
3 I had nearly got to the front door when Father appeared at the top of the stairs .
4 These edicts were particularly important for all concerned in the opera-ballets in which the king himself frequently appeared at the climax of the action .
5 Kaloghlian surprisingly appeared at the congress this weekend in an attempt to regain his seat .
6 Mr Kensit , a name long famous in the history of Protestant expostulations against Anglo-Catholicism , the secretary of the Protestant Truth Society , appeared at the ceremony and presented a document .
7 In fairness none of them appeared at the Berlin show that began only two days after Paris , a show signalling a new frontier for the German manufacturers , who may just , in 10 years ' time , give the French as much to think about as the Japanese do .
8 Keegan duly appeared at the press conference to extol his new club and his sponsors , despite the fact he was known not to drink the product himself .
9 This hotel was at that time a sort of private dwelling crammed with the owner 's collection of Catalan works of art and pastel portraits of the great singers who appeared at the nearby Opera .
10 A pale face appeared at the door .
11 As a clue to that significance we might first recall the way in which the laws regarding menstruation and childbirth and this new circumcision appeared at the same time in the history of the Jewish people , and remember what was earlier said about the nature — culture dichotomy and the need of culture to control or impose itself upon what it deems to be nature .
12 So it appeared at the public hearings .
13 Two men appeared at the mill to make what they called ‘ Preliminary Investigations ’ .
14 The Prime Minister appeared at the end of the broadcast to warn of further turmoil if the Government 's health and trade union reforms were undone .
15 Gilly nearly tripped over herself , leaping down and grabbing up ‘ Sarsaparilla to Sorcery ’ from the chair seat , stretching her guts out to tip the book into its place on the shelf as Trotter appeared at the door .
16 A drop appeared at the tip of the needle .
17 In 1922 a permanent war memorial was unveiled at Sheffield Victoria , and thereafter for many years , Valour appeared at the station for the Armistice service on 11 November .
18 The CEGB also felt confident about the position of the various regulatory and advisory bodies which appeared at the inquiry .
19 The king is shown as he appeared at the battle of San Martino , the basal frieze showing the entry into Milan of Piedmontian and French troops following the battle of Magenta .
20 A few men appeared at the corner of the union building , on their faces a blend of caution and apathy .
21 Not long after they got back to Wilcox 's office , Brian Everthorpe appeared at the door .
22 A little ward-maid appeared at the bedside with an enormous vacuum flask of Georgian tea , refusing to leave until I had downed every drop .
23 The maid who had admitted Albert McKillop appeared at the door almost immediately .
24 Nutty 's father advanced , but at that moment Seb appeared at the top of the stairs , grinned and said , ‘ Hi . ’
25 She held it with one hand while the other went to her throat , as Nellie 's face appeared at the door .
26 Just then Mrs Robovitch appeared at the bedroom door .
27 Noreen appeared at the prompt side and little Maria turned to her and sang the next verse to her .
28 The new shirt appeared at the start of the 1932–3 season , with another , more startling change — white sleeves .
29 B. T. Some of the inspectors always appeared at the wrong time .
30 He said that he was still awake when a black and fearful figure appeared at the foot of his bed .
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