Example sentences of "appeared for the " in BNC.

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1 Mr Hussein appeared for the dedication on a white horse , a traditional symbol of virility and purity that is linked to Ali , the grandson of the Prophet .
2 At precisely the same time as circumcision and the blood of circumcision was receiving this new casting and additional dimension , legislation about female blood — i.e. the blood of menstruation and childbirth — appeared for the first time on the scene .
3 Mr Speaker Weatherill , who opened the exhibition , appeared for the last time before retirement in the distinctive tail-coat , knee-breeches and white bands of his office .
4 Of these , three items , ‘ A Visit to Newgate ’ , ‘ The Black Veil ’ , and ‘ The Great Winglebury Duel ’ appeared for the first time in this collection .
5 Of these only the last item appeared for the first time in this volume .
6 Bert Howe was a consistent , reliable and determined full-back , who signed for us just after Christmas 1958 and first appeared for the Palace in the dark days of the 4th Division , but who proceeded to help us secure a place in Division Two .
7 Similarly a small black hoverfly , Cheilosia bergenstammi , whose larvae feed on ragwort , was captured in 1972 , 1973 and 1974 ( N= 19 ) and has not been seen since , whereas C. vernalis , whose food plant is unknown , appeared for the first time in 1978 and has since become frequent ( N=118 ) .
8 The Treaty of Brètigny provided for this , and a treaty which the French appeared for the moment willing to accept was a much more substantial victory for Edward than one which gave him a vast area on paper but which the French would be bound to resist .
9 So far as more academic scholarship was concerned , the Nag Hammadi Scrolls appeared for the first time in English translation in 1977 , and within two years had inspired Elaine Pagels ' best-seller The Gnostic Gospels .
10 In his careful , helpful , written and oral submissions Mr. Baragwanath , who appeared for the respondents before the Board , accepted that special leave to appeal would as a general rule be granted by the Board in the exercise of its discretion to a petitioner who had been erroneously refused leave to appeal as of right save in exceptional circumstances , for example , where the judgment of the courts below and the record available led the Board to conclude that the petitioner 's chances of success or the amount involved did not justify the imposition on the respondents of the delay and expense which an appeal necessarily entails .
11 At the end of the evidence , after the appellant had left the witness box , Mr. Leonard , who appeared for the appellant in the court below and before this court , moved to quash counts 1 and 6 of the indictment .
12 But I do not accept the submission of Mr. Everall ’ — who appeared for the father — ‘ that she should go so far as to establish that by their return they would be exposed to a grave risk of harm to bring them within the ambit of article 13 ( b ) .
13 For his part Mr. Collins , who appeared for the applicant , does not pursue the argument which is contained in the grounds for relief to the effect that the decision was ‘ perverse . ’
14 Mr. McGregor , who appeared for the health authority , submitted that B. v. Islington Health Authority was wrongly decided .
15 Mr. Cullen , we notice , appeared for the defendants .
16 We do not accept the submission by Mr. Sedley , who appeared for the Bar Council , that there was any conscious distinction made between the occasions when this jurisdiction of the judges , however it was exercised , went to matters related to the administration of justice , such as the equipping of the courts with advocates who were fit to appear before them there , and the occasions when it went simply to matters relating to the administration of the Inns and their property .
17 At the start of the further hearing , the Attorney-General , who appeared for the Crown , drew our attention to a letter addressed to him by the Clerk of the House of Commons suggesting that any reference to Hansard for the purpose of construing the Act might breach the privileges of that House .
18 A separation appeared for the first time between design and production .
19 Mr Louis Blom-Cooper QC appeared for the applicants in that case .
20 Although programs like DO-IT existed for the PC before anything appeared for the Macintosh it and its close cousins cost several thousand pounds .
21 It introduced greater facilities for synthesis , and the Areas Table appeared for the first time .
22 The Legal Services Committee continued in 1992 where it left off in 1991 and in January 1992 representatives of the committee appeared for the third time before the Lord Chancellor 's Advisory Committee on Legal Education and Conduct .
23 A group of Irrawaddy dolphins , which appeared for the first time in Laos last year , are in danger of dying out as a result of the increasing use of gill nets by local fishermen .
24 ‘ Nine players in that side appeared for the first team later .
25 His coaching duties with the Scotland sevens squad concluded for the day , he duly appeared for the second half of the semi-final against the relatively fresh-faced youths of White Hart Marauders — inspired by England internationalists , Dewi Morris and Jeremy Guscott , and B caps , Damian Hopley and Justyn Cassell .
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