Example sentences of "parliament [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 FOLLOWING P.A. Newton 's revelation that Scottish & Newcastle Breweries supplied quantities of Newcastle Brown and Tartan Keg to a pub adjacent to the Russian Parliament during the recent failed coup , I understand that the Morning Star , daily organ of British Communists , has started a campaign for Old Peculier to be supplied for the next coup attempt .
2 Indeed , many Englishmen , even those who had been on the side of parliament during the Civil War , like Richard Baxter , had never wanted to abolish the monarchy altogether .
3 It was John Bright , the Free-trader and democrat , who was Abraham Lincoln 's strongest supporter in the British Parliament during the Civil-War .
4 Being a Member of Parliament during the constitutional struggle of the seventeenth century could be a hazardous occupation .
5 It seems to me there is no foundation for it whatever ; all that a court of justice can look to is the parliamentary roll ; they see that an Act has passed both Houses of Parliament , and that it has received the royal assent , and no court of justice can inquire into the manner in which it was introduced into Parliament , what was done previously to its being introduced , or what passed in Parliament during the various stages of its progress through both Houses of Parliament .
6 Apart from these various policies of positive discrimination for deprived areas , a series of Acts of Parliament during the 1960s and 1970s sought to strengthen the rights of workers against unfair dismissal , the rights of tenants against unfair eviction , and the rights of immigrants and women against discrimination in the areas of employment , finance , housing , etc .
7 Yet resolutions of the lower House do not make law , and arguably the royal supremacy established over the Church by Act of Parliament during the Reformation had vested the monarch with the power to suspend penal statutes .
8 Five out of six opinion polls yesterday showed Labour in the lead , pointing to a hung Parliament as the most likely outcome .
9 This was established by Act of Parliament as the Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission for England — known as English Heritage — but not until nine years later .
10 It is convenient to think of Parliament as the legislature , even though Parliament does much more than legislate , and though legislative power also resides elsewhere .
11 It acted in Parliament as the representative of Labour interests within a broader alliance of progressive forces .
12 Spencer similarly was sceptical and argued that the doctrine of the divine right of kings would be replaced by the divine right of Parliament as the new superstition .
13 Nkrumah refused to recognise the Npp in the new parliament as the official opposition .
14 The Attorney-General raised a further constitutional point , namely , that for the court to use Parliamentary material in construing legislation would be to confuse the respective roles of Parliament as the maker of law and the courts as the interpreter .
15 That political commitment will naturally demand respect for the legislative measures adopted by Parliament as the representative assembly , a respect for which the legal doctrine is in almost all likely circumstances a suitable expression .
16 In a general election on July 19 , 1987 [ see pp. 35388-90 ] , the PSD , which under Cavaco Silva had been ruling as a minority administration , was returned to parliament as the first government since 1974 to command an absolute majority .
17 Parliament also passed a decree on state power giving him ultimate executive power , in conjunction with the Cabinet of ministers , with parliament as the republic 's supreme executive body .
18 The ILP founder , Keir Hardie , although a miner , had not entered parliament as the nominee of the Miners ' Federation and most ILP Members were nominated by local Party branches or Trades Councils rather than through the national trade unions .
19 The next chapter saw the Prime Minister , Toshiki Kaifu , being questioned in parliament about the £2,000 he is alleged to have received .
20 During both April and July 1981 vigorous exchanges took place in the press and in Parliament about the role that deteriorating social conditions and unemployment may have played in bringing about the riots .
21 There have also been complaints from some members of parliament about the high levels of educational expenditure in comparison with other services .
22 Even during the later years of the reign , when Europe was embroiled in the early stages of the Thirty Years ' War and James 's MPs were calling for active English intervention on behalf of Protestants abroad , there were very few complaints in parliament about the state of religion at home .
23 Third , he or she will have to deal with questions from members of Parliament about the policies and activities of the department .
24 There are various Acts of Parliament about the return of children wrongfully taken from their country .
25 The use of regulations to cut legal aid eligibility contravenes the explanation the Lord Chancellor gave to Parliament about the way he would use these powers .
26 The local council is considering complaining to Parliament about the body known as the Malvern Conservators .
27 The local council is meeting about now to decide whether or not to petition Parliament about the Conservators request for more powers .
28 In his ministerial programme submitted to parliament for the deputies ' vote of confidence on December 30 , Mr Badran said his government will study the legal and economic effects of martial law after taking steps to return suspended passports , restore the elected boards to the three Arabic dailies and abolish a previous martial law order to dissolve the Jordanian Writers Association .
29 Hazlitt found the humbler job of reporting parliament for the Morning Chronicle ; we find him describing how one MP rose to a parliamentary occasion by ‘ soaring into mediocrity , ’ a joke any modern sketchwriter would be proud to use and probably has .
30 A more serious incident occurred when the churchwarden was in the process of removing a crucifix in the churchyard following a directive from parliament for the removal of images from church property .
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