Example sentences of "to work [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In order to work successfully the notion of Partnership through Compact must involve all the personnel in the participating organisations including trade unions .
2 In this regard it can be seen that in order for the catechesis to work effectively the various members of the group have to work as a team — the L.C. is responsible for presenting the symbol well ; having a good story that echoes the goal clearly ; and providing the opportunity for EACH person to share their story .
3 In order to work properly the dominant forces in each of the three spheres have to monopolize the key resources for which there is great competition .
4 Class 158s appear to work only the 07:00 , 13:10 and 15:21 services .
5 For residential and field social workers to work together a bridge has to be found .
6 I believe in my heart and soul that everyone has an equal responsibility to work together the peace and harmony of this world .
7 ‘ The attendance ’ , said counsel for the defendant in Hunt v. Broome , ‘ is for the purpose of peacefully persuading a man not to work so the attendance must be in a position where the persuasion can be carried out ; otherwise its purpose is frustrated …
8 I thought that I would have plenty of time to work once the children went back after the 10-week summer holiday .
9 For delegation to work well the task must be clearly defined .
10 And if you are stuck for supplies or a place to work then a listing of major suppliers , studios and darkrooms will accommodate you .
11 It may be enough for an investment trust to tempt investors by describing the opportunity area in broad terms , and inasmuch as this temptation continues to work then the early investors can sell out at a profit to the later ones .
12 Well I suppose if you want to work then the first one is
13 I first became involved when my youngest child started attending the playgroup and I was asked to work there a few mornings a week .
14 The coal boats were manned by locals and the late J , , used to work there every Summer .
15 Another restless night followed , and she determinedly settled down to work again the next morning , concentrating hard on the illustrations so that not even a tiny corner of her mind was free to think about Julius .
16 She had been reluctant to put it away , wishing she had no other commitments so that she could continue with the next chapter and looking forward to getting down to work again the following morning .
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