Example sentences of "looks to [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Informix looks to OpenODB to enable it to provide customers with an easy evolution to object-oriented technology that enables them to use data already stored in the Informix-OnLine database .
2 When I extend my hand to her , she looks to Crilly before taking it .
3 But the geographical differences pale when they are compared to the deep threefold divisions which rend the city itself : of language ( four-fifths of the population speak French , only one fifth English and the smaller languages ) ; of culture ( the French-speaking part naturally looks to France and French literature for its mores , while the English-speaking part relies on the attachment to the Commonwealth and its close neighbour , the United States of America ) ; and of religion ( for the gulfs here are wider than the Atlantic as the former protestant cross-sectioning of Episcopalianism/Presbyterianism meets the Roman Catholicism of the French , and both meet the surging secularism and agnosticism of our day ) .
4 On the other hand , he clearly looks to God as his Father , and into this Father 's hand he commits his spirit when he dies .
5 Michael Maloney 's Hal is a pleasant fellow who looks to Robert Stephens 's rather subdued , warm-hearted Falstaff for the affection he does n't get from his testy , disapproving father .
7 It would be perverse to find fault with the elevation of Aids awareness to the status of a rock cause , and particularly silly to fret about performance infelicities ( nobody really looks to David Bowie for enlightenment , do they ? ) providing the message gets across and the money comes in .
8 He looks to Zeke .
9 Monde de L'Art welcomes four artists from Senegal : Amadou cloaks the everyday in the light of legend , applying considerable sophistication to the use of voids and subtle colouring ; Souleymane Keita paints abstract scenes influenced by local mythology and European stylistic developments ; the sculptor Ousmane Sow looks to Rodin , Bourdelle and Giacometti but employs local colours and rhythms ; Serigne Mbaye Camara carves geometric forms and applies them to two-colour backgrounds .
10 European market looks to Longhorns
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