Example sentences of "sat a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She sat a long time by herself , looking at the forsythia .
2 Silence as though relief , when suddenly with a creaking and ghostly groaning the lid slid as if off and up sat a terrible apparition with outstretched hand screeching in a hollow voice , give me my gift with such violence , that some of the company fell into the water and had to be saved , and those on the shore scrambled in allways confusion was everywhere .
3 At the other occupied table sat a lean-visaged but elegant man in dark clothes , reading a paper by candle-light as he ate .
4 At the controls sat a youngish man in no sort of uniform , and beside him sat an older man in cleanish overalls with grease on his fingers .
5 Opposite him , in the seat immediately behind the driver , sat a sour-faced Mrs Roscoe , her nicely shaped little nose stuck deep into the text of A Midsummer Night 's Dream .
6 There were more double doors at the end and in front of them on a tubular chair sat a uniformed constable reading the Sunday Express .
7 On his head sat a tartan cap , predominantly red .
8 On the other side sat a pleasant Bedford woman of about thirty years of age .
9 Before the double dais sat a small , slight , unimpressive man who frequently could not recall , sometimes could not hear and peered at the briefing books through wire-rimmed glasses .
10 Opposite me , sat a small , thin man with yellowed teeth who ate in a great hurry .
11 At the far end , in a pool of light thrown by sconce-torches and a cluster of candles , sat a small , balding figure swathed in robes whom Corbett recognised as Wishart , Bishop of Glasgow .
12 Next the wife came to the second cavern , where there sat a fearsome bird , large as a mountain ; her feathers were of brass and her beak of iron .
13 Behind the large mahogany desk sat a tall youngish man with black hair smoothed severely back above regular features , horn-rimmed glasses hiding dark eyes and heavy brows , and an unsmiling face .
14 During his three years at University College , London , he got work each Christmas with the post office in his home town of Woking : ‘ When I was coming to the end of my university period I sat a civil service examination with possible jobs at the end which included income tax , the secret service and the post office which involved travelling as a management trainee .
15 On an upright chair sat a young man — shaven-headed and bovver- booted — who had come for treatment for ‘ a most embarrassing men 's illness ’ ( he would not elaborate ) which had not improved with orthodox therapy .
16 In front of Roshanara 's litter , which was open , sat a young , well-dressed female slave , with a peacock 's tail in her hand , brushing away the dust and keeping off the flies from the Princess …
17 At the table sat a young Cistercian monk , and at either elbow sat Lucier and Gabriel watching him copy one page of writing from another .
18 In it sat a tiny beetle wearing goggles .
19 At a table sat a royal-blue Sister with a crimped white turret on her head .
20 In the courtyard below , surrounded by nuns and other members of the convent , sat a strange-looking man on horseback .
21 At the other end of the table from Dowd , sitting in front of a heap of newspapers doubtless carrying the Burke reports , sat a professorial man in his sixties , white hair oiled to his scalp .
22 In the gardens of a Buddhist temple somewhere in the Far East sat a contented looking rhesus monkey .
23 Between us and the stairs was the desk , and behind it sat a fiftyish thin man with a lined but peaceful face .
24 Beside her sat a tousled youth , enveloped in a woolly scarf .
25 At the other end of the shelf sat a dark figure .
26 Coloured candles stood tall , there were glass boxes of shells which she and Thomas had collected , and in the stone hearth sat a vast earthenware urn filled with wild flowers .
27 In the rear sat a restless Cord Dillon .
28 Beside Ralph sat a coloured man , Joseph and next to him , Carter .
29 Further back sat a heavy wooden table , and on it she found a note from the building 's owner , informing her that provisions had been left in the fridge , that there was an ample supply of coal and logs in the shed outside , and wishing her ‘ good snow and happy skiing ’ .
30 He led the way to the outer office , which had been empty when Shelley arrived , but where now sat a sylph-like creature with a cloud of dark brown curls , and very heavily made-up eyes .
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