Example sentences of "no [adv] be " in BNC.

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1 All this is felt to testify , not just to a general rankness and decay , but to a conflagration of another kind — to what will happen if the political and racial tensions of the island can no longer be contained .
2 In the days before glasnost — which his fictions may be thought to have rehearsed and predicted , but which could well mean that his fictions will no longer be for the West what they have been so far , when the thing that they deplore was still there in its entirety to be deplored — Kundera was forced into exile in the ‘ free world ’ of the time .
3 I will no longer be there , he wrote , but I will no longer be needed .
4 I will no longer be there , he wrote , but I will no longer be needed .
5 He suggests the army could no longer be used to drain off the unemployable proletariat by conscription , nor could the newly independent colonies be used to dump the troublesome of society ( see also Hughes 1987 ) .
6 There will still be a system of rebates for people on low incomes but there will no longer be a minimum contribution — so some people will be entitled to 100 per cent rebates .
7 As for Railfreight Construction , the transporting of bulk aggregates from quarries such as Merehead and Whatley has thrived unabated , particularly to London and the South East where the construction industry 's appetite could no longer be satisfied from local sources .
8 He said by the time of the next election it would no longer be possible to cancel Trident .
9 The refusal to talk , believed to have been decided in a meeting of the Politburo , contributed to renewed speculation here that Mr Honecker may no longer be in full control .
10 Television can no longer be considered an intrusion into football .
11 Increases in earnings just above the old NIC ‘ steps ’ ( £75 and £115 ) will no longer be wiped out by higher contributions .
12 Economy Nigel Lawson , Chancellor of the Exchequer , sparked a political dispute by proposing mortgage interest payments should no longer be included in the Retail Price Index ( RPI ) , a move that would lower the apparent inflation rate .
13 The changes should reduce investors 's costs because VAT will no longer be payable on commissions paid to stockbrokers .
14 While they will no longer have to charge investors VAT at 15 per cent , they will no longer be entitled to recover the VAT they spend on services bought in .
15 It follows that the interest rate can no longer be used to defend sterling .
16 The pound would then no longer be an isolated currency , to which greater risk attaches , necessitating a premium rate of return to induce people to hold it .
17 Players would no longer be barred from playing in another country after a tour .
18 Shelford , the tour captain , will no longer be asking £500 for personal appearances and is understood already to have set about ‘ dismantling ’ those that had been arranged .
19 Complaining that the grass-roots party cadres had been excluded from decision-making , the Peking Daily called for new emphasis on the party 's role in economic as well as political matters : ‘ If the party only controls the party then it would no longer be a political class party but an amateur group for the masses , or a kind of club . ’
20 Faced with a demand that could no longer be met , the Moscow city fathers 10 days ago limited purchases to one item per person .
21 The central authorities , late as usual , grasped this detail of local life by 1924 , when Krupskaia at the Thirteenth Party Congress noted that due to the tightening of the economic ‘ scissors ’ , the higher bread prices could no longer be afforded by starving village-teachers .
22 Peter Jenkins in The Guardian opined that ‘ it would no longer be amazing to see Mr Callaghan win by a whisker ’ .
23 In the summer and autumn of 1989 it seemed possible that this might no longer be true .
24 From the academic year 1990 — 1 students will no longer be eligible for Housing Benefit , Supplementary Benefit , and Income Support .
25 In July 1987 Mr Lawson unilaterally announced a reduction in the meetings of the tripartite NEDC from ten to four meetings annually and in January 1989 the Secretary of State for Employment announced that the TUC would no longer be the sole body which could nominate trade unionists to the Training Commission and other official bodies .
26 In other words , the Conservative party , and its propertied core constituency , became interested in new forms of appeal and organization when it became apparent that the political reliability and social stability of the lower orders could no longer be ensured by traditional methods of social and political control .
27 No official of the Government or Party can go to an ujamaa village and tell the members what they must grow … for if these things happen — that is , if an outsider gives such instructions and enforces them — then it will no longer be an ujamaa village !
28 Rational arguments and the need for money may keep it submerged but from time to time it is so inflamed that it can no longer be suppressed .
29 It was decided at an early stage that future designs could no longer be coach-built on separate custom-made chassis , as was the case with the now-deleted Bentley Continental and Rolls-Royce Corniche coupes ( which still exist as convertibles ) , but would have to be built on the regular production lines at Crewe alongside the conventional monocoque four-door saloon models .
30 If this is passed some of us will no longer be active . ’
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