Example sentences of "ability [to-vb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The third session was devoted to developing the ability to interview others and to drafting questions for the following week 's visitors , who would be able to recall the war .
2 In the summer of 1942 , however , Franco 's ability to remain au dessus de la mêlée was put to its most serious test yet .
3 Certainly , they are useful characteristics for sportsmen , as are the more psychological ones , intuitive vision , resistance to pressure and the ability to remain calm under stress being among the more obvious ones .
4 ‘ The ability to perform activities required to the standards specified . ’
5 All units , whether college or centrally developed , should contain a broad statement of the area covered by the unit , the preferred entry level , a statement of the competences required , ( a competence can be defined as the ability to perform tasks in employment ) and the criteria by which competence can be assessed .
6 However , a sympathetic and patient GP would not have required great imagination to point out the disparity between such claims by these women and their ability to perform family and household tasks based on the evidence of their behaviour .
7 As well as a prodigious ability to perform calculations , computing power can make rapid comparisons between sets of data .
8 However , any subjective concept of time that was related to consciousness or the ability to perform measurements would come to an end .
9 In the second of his special reports into the crime debate , Bernard Ponsonby looks at the state of Scotland 's police and their ability to combat crime .
10 Seen commercially , the advantages of operating through a subsidiary include the ability to diversify activities whilst not exposing the other parts of the business to financial risk .
11 For the critical ability to slide line-over-line in aerobatic manoeuvres , it should be waxed .
12 In those early days Layton had much in common with Dudek , not least their ability to poke fun at the richer districts of Montreal Jewry — including Westmount , which greatly irritated Leonard .
13 the ability to prompt control decisions
14 The existence of man 's ability to enjoy beauty is not a contentious subject and it is universally accepted as ‘ good ’ .
15 The critics , in labelling him a big spender , also ignored his ability to spot bargains like Roberts and Hapgood .
16 It is through my perceptive ability to spot talent where others fail , that in signing Clive Smott , son of former manager Wally , I have found the perfect replacement for Royston Marley .
17 The moral and industrial training of the children was the most important of all the important duties , and the schoolmaster was deficient in his ability to enforce obedience .
18 Thus , for eurobond firms London has offered a pool of suitably trained labour ; in recent years , low levels of personal and corporate taxation ; a reasonable tax regime for financial instruments ( e.g. ability to issue bearer eurobonds that effectively pay interest gross and absence of turnover taxes — a particular handicap for the Swiss ) ; a supply of suitable premises ; the absence , since 1979 , of exchange controls ( although initially exchange controls were seen as an advantage , since eurobonds did not interfere with onshore sterling markets ) ; prudential and monetary regulations that have not historically tended significantly to raise the cost of funds , distort or prevent competition among domestic or international intermediaries ; English law ( widely accepted as a basis for international financial business ) ; the English language ; and political stability .
19 The survey , conducted by IBM and London Business School , also discovered that the main obstacle to progress for manufacturers was not government policies or interest rates but the ability to implement change quickly .
20 Remember that one of the things we are looking for is the ability to implement solutions .
21 In fact , old fashioned cunning and the ability to suspend belief are just as important , as Roger Everett found out .
22 He refused to be dogmatic , occasionally wrote a modest puff for a friend , was incapable of brashness , and in judgement of people and books had the ability to suspend belief and disbelief .
23 Unions may organise according to ‘ exclusive ’ principles , dependent upon their market capacities and resultant ability to erect boundaries , or they may recruit upon an ‘ inclusive ’ basis .
24 Ability to promote priorities
25 Unlike more clinical therapies such as homeopathy or acupuncture , aromatherapy 's healing potential stems from its ability to promote relaxation and , at the same time , to engender a sense of joy or tranquillity in the recipient .
26 In addition , the ability to promote nitrogen fixation would be a great advantage in the reclamation of derelict land ( section 5.2.3 ) where nitrogen is almost always a limiting factor to growth .
27 Among the many precious stones endowed with special powers the bishop singled out chalcedony for its ability to promote victory , topaz for healing , carnelian for restraining anger and amethyst for preventing drunkenness .
28 A semiconducting material , in terms of its ability to conduct electricity , is one which lies between a conductor such as copper and an insulator such as rubber .
29 Earned PhD in animal nutrition , or related field ; established international reputation or at least five years ' postdoctoral experience ; ability to work collaboratively with scientists of different disciplines and nationalities ; demonstrated ability to conduct research , communicate and publish results .
30 An IRA statement from Dublin confirmed on Sept. 28 that Waldegrave was the target of the bomb and boasted of its ability to breach security and endanger Cabinet ministers " while less than a mile away Margaret Thatcher holds a crisis meeting to find a way to stop IRA attacks " .
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