Example sentences of "through from [art] " in BNC.

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1 But they help with specifics : targeting , organisations , thinking it through from a fresh perspective . ’
2 When she has created the right conditions , the light comes through from a source beyond her vision , with its own energy and life .
3 Jones also made the try with a perfect chip through from a five metre scrum .
4 Another man who was unknown to Carson put his head through from a connecting office .
5 It was a tiny place — nothing more than a shop knocked through from the street at ground level , no more than 60 feet long At one end was a small bar — from which we sold orange juices on top of the counter with the booze tucked away underneath .
6 There was more noise than usual coming through from the landlady 's kitchen .
7 Fearing a tragedy of epic proportions — her mind leapt at once to Penini and then to Miss Arabel — she knocked on the open door and Mr Browning came through from the other room , so haggard and drawn in contrast to his morning self that once more she was convinced something dreadful had happened .
8 ‘ It 's out ! ’ the voice floated through from the kitchen with a smell of fresh chips and hot beans .
9 They went through from the house to the barn , from the barn to the smithy , and then finally to the stables .
10 Right through from the seventeenth until the early twentieth century those who reached the age of sixty years remained a small but quite steady 5–7 per cent of the English population .
11 This is pulled through from the tufted end , a technique particularly useful for vending machine parts and similar to that used for cleaning rifles .
12 A raised wooden runway , carpeted with the pin-sharp points of six-inch nails hammered through from the bottom , ran out 50ft and ended in a bed of nails laid on the grass .
13 Then , two minutes before the end of the game , the news came through from the other ground that Sunderland had lost .
14 Everyone was fiddling like mad when we got a leak through from the office that they were sending private detectives round the houses …
15 There was one obvious difference : she was coming through from the Other Side .
16 On either side of the gangway doors were small doors on the floor level ; these were for the double purpose of allowing a hosepipe to be brought through from the line for washing out purposes , and also to allow free escape of water .
17 All farms have rats and mice but in recent years they have been coming through from the barn into the house and getting into the furniture .
18 Phillis came through from the room .
19 In recent years the evidence for the health benefits of fibre , or ‘ roughage ’ as it used to be called , has grown so strong that it has filtered through from the medical journals and is now well known to the British and American public .
20 For the bridge Encore have used rosewood , with the strings fixed through from the rear edge .
21 Lowden bridges are unusual in two respects : the saddles are split into two sections for optimum intonation on wound and unwound strings , and the strings mount through from the back of the bridge rather than via the old bridge-pin method , which would mean a longer string-changing time .
22 Slice the figs through from the stem end almost to the bottom , and again , resulting in each fruit opened like a flower into four ‘ petals ’ .
23 Almost a minute of injury time had ticked away when he jinked through from the left to fire an inch-perfect shot just inside keeper Jon Hallworth 's far post .
24 With only shocked monosyllables passing between us , we waded into the living room , where just a small steam flowed through from the area of the guest bedroom and bathroom .
25 They 've been hammered through from the outside , probably by the Trunchbull herself . ’
26 Once a call has come through from the police the team initiates a ‘ cascade call ’ system where say , one person is responsible for telephoning six other team members .
27 It was Thursday 5 September and he was about to leave his office to drive to Bramshill Police College to begin a series of lectures to the Senior Command Course when the call came through from the private office .
28 The maid came through from the back of the house and bobbed a curtsy to Emily .
29 This is an interesting book even for non-Southern devotees as he takes us through from the most menial shunting operation with grimy British Rail survivors to sleek passenger workings with shiny green locomotives .
30 He was particularly adept , this one , at stopping a forward bursting through from the line-out with a startling iron-hard thrust from his stump as he pulled him on to it with the other …
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