Example sentences of "carried [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The white man 's burden had to be carried on strong backs .
2 But Japan Air Lines ( JAL ) experienced only a 3.5% drop in the number of passengers carried on international routes in the year to March 31st .
3 The number of passengers carried on international flights quadrupled between 1960 and 1970 , and quadrupled again ( to 4.2 million ) between 1970 and 1988 .
4 Boeing predicts that revenue passenger miles ( RPMs — the number of passengers carried on each flight multiplied by the distance of the flight ) will continue to grow by 5.4% a year over the next 15 years .
5 Each section of the deck of the road is carried on sliding bearings , to allow for expansion of the sections .
6 Each tank was carried on four pairs of tracks , making a total of 16 points of support to each vehicle .
7 They were carried on four pairs , of which the two middle ones were fixed , whereas to move sideways in a radial direction when going round a curve , though normally they were held in a straight line with the fixed wheels by a pair of springs in compression .
8 Contemporary with the alterations to the main east-west road , at least one or perhaps two possible public buildings were constructed immediately to the south on Sites 1 and 2 , each with a frontage carried on four columns and set so close to the road that the new roadside drains had to be diverted .
9 The blooms are carried on long stalks and are over an inch across .
10 The two main additional floors are largely carried on new masonry crosswalls which are , in turn , carried on their own new strip-footing foundations .
11 Although in the oases they made gardens , perhaps even carried on other spare-time occupations , they were forbidden to trade and did not have the time to be truck drivers .
12 A 45m or 50m rope should be carried on all climbs , even though only short sections are used when moving together .
13 Of 22 chosen flights , I failed to get on only six and was carried on one of the next two flights .
14 Other Diamond kites — the Ace , Trlby , Zig-Zag , Rainbow , Hyperkites Ghostie , Blazer , Brookite Stunters and Dunford Stingray — have carried on that first generation with low-cost products that perform impressively for any novice and have served over the years to bring so many into the kite fraternity .
15 But Dawn , you should have carried on that course man .
16 R. rugosa has enormous glossy red hips , surpassed only by those of R. moyesii ‘ Geranium ’ , which are carried on graceful arching stems .
17 Their bodies are carried on ten multi-segmented legs .
18 Of the three windows , the large central one is carried on carved figures , an unusual design , which has much in common with the façade at Spoleto Cathedral , of similar date , but with a later porch in front .
19 The Hetherington study shows the increase in the amount of parliamentary news carried on three of the main news programmes , Channel Four News , BBC1 's Nine O'Clock News , and ITN 's News at Ten :
20 The Second Reading was carried on 12 March 1956 by 286 votes to 262 , a majority of twenty four , and passed through all its remaining stages in the Commons , before being heavily defeated once more in the Lords .
21 The Church of S. Luke has a central dome carried on 12 piers with squinches to transform the square into an octagon while higher up are small pendentives which convert the octagon to a circle .
22 Solid silver is extremely heavy , so these were carried on ceremonial occasions by huge men from a special clan on the Indian side of the border .
23 A vote of no confidence in the Government was carried on 11th June and Derby 's administration immediately resigned .
24 He nodded towards a statue of the Virgin Mary which was being carried on high .
25 It was not outsiders who began and brutally carried on this war .
26 No one was hurt , though several climbers were involved in the slide in Coire an Lochain , with one being carried down some 400ft .
27 His voice was n't its usual fulsome boom , and probably only carried down half a mile of corridor .
28 I forgot , I got carried away sorry about that missus
29 When we came to a final stop we were carried up many flights of stairs , taken into an apartment and dumped on the floor .
30 Cuttings books show that many foreign newspapers have carried far more reports and feature articles on the event than American newspapers and magazines — particularly in Californian , where the event is talking place .
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