Example sentences of "carried [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 As flagship of the quartet , N185 carried aboard the then Secretary of State for Air , Sir Samuel Hoare .
2 There is also a banner carried during a demonstration in York against child slavery , organized by Richard Oastler ( q.v. ) in 1832 .
3 The pagan contemporaries of Constantine were not wrong in saying that he had carried through a huge religious and social revolution .
4 Wounded were being carried through the trees to the shelter of the farm buildings , the medics stopping from time to time to rest , then continued quickly on their way .
5 The unusual theme was carried through the entire wedding , with vodka and schnapps served at the back of the church .
6 The minister therefore seemed to have carried through the understanding reached with the British Medical Association in September .
7 An archbishop presided at her requiem and her bier was carried through the city by leading members of the civil authorities .
8 The blue and yellow theme will be carried through the summer by lobelias , marigolds and dahlias .
9 The government of the day carried through the efforts of the most highly trained and intelligent of any group of civil servants in continental Europe .
10 If the girl had been killed locally , she is small enough to have been carried through the alleys — perhaps even by a woman . ’
11 Her body was lifted from the coffin and carried through the dusk across the open fields that then came up to the hospital , to Ferry Beach .
12 On his second voyage he sees the valley of the Diamonds ( CS 1 ; PFI 10 ) , and is carried through the air by a roc , a gigantic bird to whose feet he has tied himself while it is sleeping ( CS 15 ; PFI 10 ) .
13 The hammock , which was slung from a long pole carried on the shoulders of two men , was used for transporting the sick and infirm across rough country terrain and , in and around Funchal , for the rich and for the tourists who were carried through the dirty , and sometimes muddy , streets .
14 I wanted to find someone to help Mrs Hobbs but as I went to the desk , she was already being carried through the door .
15 The culmination comes on the night of the full moon when the sacred tooth of Buddha is carried through the streets of Kandy in a shrine set on top of a gigantic tusker. & illus :
16 The district general hospital ( DGH ) units carried through the first stage of devolution of services .
17 Not one of the Hawick contingent returned from Flodden , but each year a flag is carried through the town by the ‘ Comet ’ , this time a young married man .
18 I was horn in March 1947 , at the peak of the Bulge : more babies horn that month than ever before or after , and carried through the terrible winter of 1946–47 .
19 Whilst the Soviets carried through the redistribution of land , the nationalisation of industry and the transfer of political authority to German Communists , so the three Western powers increasingly co-operated in the creation of a federalised , liberal-democratic state in the West .
20 The Grand Trunk Canal ( 1766–77 ) not only made use of aqueducts , cuttings and embankments , but was carried through the hill country between the Mersey and Trent basins by means of five tunnels , of which the Harecastle Tunnel near Kidsgrove was 2,880 yards long and more than two hundred feet beneath the surface at its deepest point .
21 When , at last , the reformed corporation carried through the enclosure in 1845 , and the town could burst outwards , the damage had been done ( Fig. 14 ) .
22 During 1917 the proletariat detached the mass of the petty bourgeoisie from their earlier allegiance to the Mensheviks , SRs , and bourgeois nationalist movements of the minority nationalities , and in October , in alliance with the poorest peasantry , carried through the epoch-making socialist revolution .
23 Although spiders and insects hear the world in a very different way from us , they are sampling the same sounds carried through the air .
24 When he was just a few weeks old , he was stolen from his mother and carried through the bush to the side of a main road .
25 It was pinned in banknotes on the robes of the local thaumaturge as his statue — or hers was carried through the village , or dropped into the collecting pouches the sacristan poked into the pews .
26 Cranston bellowed , not caring if his voice carried through the house , out into the enclosed courtyard where craftsmen were working .
27 The gamekeeper ran to the nearby camp of the navvies and with the aid of a sheep-hurdle Putt was carried through the village to the manor .
28 A placard carried through the city by Women for Peace was changed overnight , with the addition of two deaths to the total killed since 1969 .
29 In the short term , de Gaulle was carried through the crisis by the personal support of Churchill ( who defended him before the House of Commons ) and by his own reserves of self-assurance .
30 Under the leadership of the party the working masses constructed the material base for socialism , replaced primitive private farming with collectivized agriculture , and carried through an industrialization programme which astonished and alarmed the bourgeois world .
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