Example sentences of "responsibility for the " in BNC.

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1 Nurse Kay Hopps will have responsibility for the running of the office .
2 Deputy unit manager Phil Brown , who has taken responsibility for the computer system , says : ‘ We can do the stocktake in about half a day with the Psion Organiser .
3 Blame me for becoming poor if you like — I admit , I blew it — but the responsibility for the way our society treats its poorer members is not exclusively mine .
4 ‘ Mr MacDiarmid — you have had a heavy responsibility for the Act — we had better have your name too . ’
5 With the abolition of the metropolitan councils in 1986 , responsibility for the supervision of the PTEs has passed to joint boards of delegates from each of the metropolitan boroughs .
6 As the present government , despite its ‘ hands off , free market ’ attitudes , is involving itself in the workings of the pub trade , then it must shoulder the responsibility for the present state of affairs and insist that arbitration on rents must be genuinely independent and not loaded in favour of the brewers .
7 Responsibility for the Sex Discrimination Act , the Equal Pay Act and the Equal Opportunities Commission would be given to the Women 's Ministry .
8 Haines 's main tasks are to produce a ‘ strategic plan ’ for the Jockey Club , focusing on its role within the racing industry ; ensuring that the needs of racing are effectively understood in Whitehall and Westminster ; responsibility for the Club 's financial planning and maintaining close liaison with the Levy Board and the Horseracing Advisory Council .
9 Although no one had claimed responsibility for the attack by last night , it was apparently being treated as a terrorist incident by the Belgian police .
10 Responsibility for the attack was later claimed by the loyalist Ulster Volunteer Force .
11 Subba Row , also the chairman of Surrey and a former England and Northamptonshire batsman , will remain a powerful voice but clearly wishes for someone else to take the responsibility for the hazards to come .
12 Though Sir Derek must ultimately carry management responsibility for the mess ISC has got the company into , it would prove difficult to find someone better to sort it out if only because any newcomer would have to spend so long in getting to grips with the problems .
13 The law , he said , ‘ should reinforce the principle that parents have a responsibility for the actions of their children . ’
14 In the arrangement in my act , the song floats on top of a piano sonata : it 's the Brechtian thing of throwing responsibility for the sentiment to your audience . ’
15 Some shareholders have called on Sir Derek , who masterminded the ISC takeover , to take responsibility for the debacle and resign .
16 Responsibility for the Old
17 It the maintenance of law and the management of delinquency are fundamental to any ordered society , responsibility for the old is scarcely less so .
18 By accepting the jurisdiction of an external authority in domestic matters , the UK in effect converted her responsibility for the external relations of the Isle of Man into a total responsibility for its internal affairs , and abrogated by a sidewind the semi-independence of the Islands , which are under the Crown but not part of the United Kingdom .
19 It is , as I noted at the time , a peculiar fact that most laymen who have had responsibility for the health service have interested themselves personally to a preponderant extent in the case of the mentally afflicted , both the mentally ill and the mentally handicapped .
20 STAN MARTIN is assistant general secretary of the Musicians ' Union with responsibility for the media .
21 Condensation might entail the one kind of subject and/or manifestation standing in for the whole domain of evil , incurring responsibility for the whole in the process of being made to signify it .
22 On 21 September Prime Minister Clement Attlee informed Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin , then in New York , that he favoured a declaration from the United Nations that it would take responsibility for the rehabilitation of the whole country .
23 Rachel was kinder and gentler towards her than she had ever been before ; but she also required Phoebe to take responsibility for the baby , to be a good mother , to take heed for the morrow .
24 • Asked about rumours of his apparently imminent move from his position as managing director of Lotus , Michael Kimberley suggested we ask GM Europe president Bob Eaton , who has responsibility for the sports car maker .
25 Not , of course , at Steinmark 's death , but at how Nagel had confided in him and how , quite explicitly , responsibility for the sub-section had been handed to himself .
26 A white paper is expected at the end of this month in response to the Griffiths Report , which recommended that authorities be given greater responsibility for the mentally handicapped .
27 Some of the words of Ms Galron 's song , which explores the theme of guilt and responsibility for the uprising while Tel Aviv makes merry , were read out in the Knesset yesterday in the course of a stormy debate marking the second anniversary of the intifada .
28 ‘ By resigning today he is trying to avoid responsibility for the political crisis , ’ said Mr Jiri Dienstbier , Forum spokesman .
29 Amid predictions that the emergency meeting could be the SED 's last party congress , the Communists have accepted ‘ full responsibility for the deepest crisis in the history of the GDR ’ .
30 Mrs Bagwell says she bears no responsibility for the club 's role in the attacks .
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