Example sentences of "responsibility [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Assistance Publique 's responsibility as the community hospital system for the poor of Paris is constantly in danger of being overwhelmed by its newer role as the country 's leading provider of tertiary referral services .
2 No distinction is made for the Metropolitan Police , much the largest force in the country , where the Home Secretary has formal responsibility as the police authority .
3 A passage in Bede 's account attributing responsibility as the author of the war to Aethelhere , is now generally regarded as corrupt , but Oethelwald 's support for Penda certainly implies a complexity of factors .
4 I then had a responsibility as the team leader to ensure that the rest of the house was secure and that none of the other units were having any problems .
5 He said the current charter still gives no clear division of responsibility between the Community and the member states .
6 Agency definitions of abuse and what behaviours constitute abuse must maintain the balance of responsibility between the abuser and abused .
7 Thus the changing nature of physics can be attributed to the changing states , or to changing observables , or to some mixture of responsibility between the two of them .
8 By a notice of appeal dated 24 December 1991 the local authority appealed with leave of the judge on the grounds that ( 1 ) the judge had erred in law or misdirected himself as to the criteria to be applied to the decision whether leave should be granted in respect of an application by a former foster parent ; ( 2 ) the judge should have applied the test whether ( a ) there were quite exceptional circumstances disclosed necessitating the ousting of the local authority and the consequent discharge of the care order , and ( b ) there was a real likelihood that the applicant could persuade the court to adopt that course and ( c ) such a course was in the interests of the children ; ( 3 ) alternatively , if the judge had adopted the correct test , his exercise of his discretion had been plainly wrong in that he had failed to give any or sufficient weight to ( a ) the disturbing effects on the children of further investigation , ( b ) the fact that if residence orders were made the care order would be discharged , ( c ) the shared responsibility between the foster mother and the mother resulting from section 12(2) of the Act of 1989 , ( d ) the fact that the foster mother 's proper remedy was her application for judicial review , and ( e ) the wishes of the children and the mother .
9 He then went on to consider whether the further proceedings would be against the children 's interests under four heads : ( 1 ) the disturbing effects on the children of further investigation ; ( 2 ) the fact that , under section 91(1) , if in respect of any child a residence order were made in favour of the foster mother , the existing care order to the local authority would be discharged ; ( 3 ) the shared parental responsibility between the foster mother and the mother which would result from section 12(2) conferring parental responsibility upon the foster mother if a residence order were to be made in her favour ; ( 4 ) the time that would be likely to elapse before any substantive order could be made .
10 Among the foremost issued to be addressed is whether the current division of responsibility between the Department of Health and the Ministry of Agriculture , Fisheries and Food , each with other responsibilities , including in MAFF 's case , responsibility for producers , is the most appropriate way of devising and implementing a national food policy .
11 a quality auditing system which will determine the balance of responsibility between the centre and SCOTVEC for the operation of the elements of the quality system .
12 The report highlights three issues : the amount of money to be transferred from the budget of the Department of Social Security ; the way in which housing benefit will be calculated after 1993 ; and the division of responsibility between the health authorities and the local social service departments .
13 With the change of function and responsibility between the national boards and the UKCC , it is obvious that the joint committee and the national board standing committee of health visitors and district nurses are , de facto , abolished .
14 The balance and distribution of power and responsibility between the branches of government is subject to constant dispute and evolution .
15 The balance and distribution of power and responsibility between the branches of government is subject to constant dispute and evolution .
16 The outcomes may range from complete correction to the professional satisfaction of the engineer , to an adjustment to the areas of responsibility between the parties which may result , in extreme cases , in the engineer contracting out of further responsibility or abandoning his or her engagement .
17 Implementation includes establishing a structure and a sharing of responsibility between the head , other senior members of staff and individual teachers who carry out the tasks involved in identifying staff development needs , with formulating a programme and with evaluating its implementation .
18 The first few months of life in the community were dominated by support workers ' sense of heavy responsibility about the twin tasks of meeting the women 's physical and medical needs and , at the same time , enabling them to be as independent as possible .
19 Nurse Kay Hopps will have responsibility for the running of the office .
20 Deputy unit manager Phil Brown , who has taken responsibility for the computer system , says : ‘ We can do the stocktake in about half a day with the Psion Organiser .
21 Blame me for becoming poor if you like — I admit , I blew it — but the responsibility for the way our society treats its poorer members is not exclusively mine .
22 ‘ Mr MacDiarmid — you have had a heavy responsibility for the Act — we had better have your name too . ’
23 With the abolition of the metropolitan councils in 1986 , responsibility for the supervision of the PTEs has passed to joint boards of delegates from each of the metropolitan boroughs .
24 As the present government , despite its ‘ hands off , free market ’ attitudes , is involving itself in the workings of the pub trade , then it must shoulder the responsibility for the present state of affairs and insist that arbitration on rents must be genuinely independent and not loaded in favour of the brewers .
25 Responsibility for the Sex Discrimination Act , the Equal Pay Act and the Equal Opportunities Commission would be given to the Women 's Ministry .
26 Haines 's main tasks are to produce a ‘ strategic plan ’ for the Jockey Club , focusing on its role within the racing industry ; ensuring that the needs of racing are effectively understood in Whitehall and Westminster ; responsibility for the Club 's financial planning and maintaining close liaison with the Levy Board and the Horseracing Advisory Council .
27 Although no one had claimed responsibility for the attack by last night , it was apparently being treated as a terrorist incident by the Belgian police .
28 Responsibility for the attack was later claimed by the loyalist Ulster Volunteer Force .
29 Subba Row , also the chairman of Surrey and a former England and Northamptonshire batsman , will remain a powerful voice but clearly wishes for someone else to take the responsibility for the hazards to come .
30 Though Sir Derek must ultimately carry management responsibility for the mess ISC has got the company into , it would prove difficult to find someone better to sort it out if only because any newcomer would have to spend so long in getting to grips with the problems .
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