Example sentences of "through [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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31 PROPOSALS to join two Argyll area tourist boards were voted through amid uproar yesterday .
32 The last section was through near blizzard conditions .
33 If we can get them lined up at the entrance , they should be sucked through like water through a plug hole .
34 ‘ Are we to rehearse in costume ? ’ she asked half apprehensively , thinking of the white chiffon and her own white flesh showing through like milk in white glass .
35 The last of the sunlight was diffusing through the trellis of oaks and evergreens in a yellow sparkle ; single rays pierced through like stings ; in the gloaming .
36 A 119th-minute goal by Tony Cascarino enabled Millwall to scramble through against Stoke .
37 Having scraped through against Ballymoney in the first round , the Bannsiders proceeded to shock everyone by doing the same to the Ports and Glens .
38 He destroyed Yorkshire 's second innings at Guildford with six for 40 last year but struggled to break through against Gloucestershire in a drawn match at Cheltenham in 1990 .
39 This has resulted in a work programme which will occupy the Committee through into mid-1993 , at least .
40 Second , we should recognise that a two-party dominance in the House of Commons may not reflect the pattern of electoral support in the country at large since our first-past-the-post electoral system makes it difficult for third parties to break through into parliament in proportion to their support in the country .
41 Moreover , if the centre parties succeed in breaking through into parliament in large numbers then the prospect of coalition government would be increased and this would give the Crown a role in the making of governments since it would no longer be a simple and automatic matter of sending for the leader of the majority party in the Commons .
42 The Japanese attack , by two divisions directed at Imphal and Kohima , was a supreme effort to break through into India and came without any prior intelligence from any quarter .
43 His argument was that aggregate demand could best be stimulated through fiscal expansion , and that in the prevailing conditions most of the increase in national income would feed through into output and therefore employment rather than inflation .
44 Metal and tiled concrete surrounds are generally help in place by two or four brackets ( lugs ) with screws through into wall plugs .
45 One of the main questions that the following chapters try to address is how these pressures fed through into changes in industrial relations strategies and practices in the enterprises.The rest of this chapter lays the groundwork for this examination by considering how the general relationship between public enterprise and the state has evolved under the pressures of ‘ commercialism ’ .
46 and then we went through into Italy and I
47 ‘ When they got through into Lenin Square , the leadership of the republic climbed down from their viewing podium and ran off .
48 ‘ We will be in the back room , ’ said Quigley in tones of quiet authority , and , watched by several more astonished employees of Gordon Brunt Ltd , we all filed through into Quigley 's dining-room .
49 At the same time , in a quite different direction , the ‘ arts ’ run through into areas of human thought and discourse — values , truths , ideas , observations , reports — where , though the ‘ aesthetic ’ perceptions may be still quite relevant , they can not be and in practice are not taken as wholly defining .
50 Only when he broke through into sight of the track and the buildings did the realisation hit him .
51 In some species that are heavily preyed upon , such as the Polynesian blue-tailed skink , the tail colour is unusually retained right through into adulthood .
52 In the human home , the tame cat retains its infant vocalizations right through into adulthood and improves on them in the process .
53 In the main investigation more than 1500 children were selected — on the basis of their very high IQs — and followed through into adulthood .
54 Probably only a minority of these carried the commitment through into adulthood , though as Gilroy writes ( 1987 : 187 ) , " by looking at the broad and diverse use to which the language and symbols of Rastafari have been put , it is possible to conceive it as a movement in which the lines dividing different levels of commitment are necessarily flexible " .
55 The techniques of the coffee table brigade were seeping through into academia , which was no bad thing .
56 Since he had caught sight of the Summoner , he had not liked to watch the resettlers pouring through into Utah , knowing what it was they were really following .
57 It was 6.20 when they joined the end of the queue of vehicles waiting to pass through into Hungary .
58 However much we try to stave off the raw realities of birth and childcare — with pain-killing drugs , for instance — they must somehow be taken into account , or they will force their way through into consciousness in even more painful ways .
59 Brilliant weather from the end of May through into June , particularly on the west coast , saw hordes of climbers up on the big mountain routes , particularly on Ben Nevis .
60 The descriptive analysis of pollution control work is carried through into Chapter 5 .
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