Example sentences of "carried out through " in BNC.

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1 Any macroeconomic fiscal policy would , therefore , have to be carried out through the federal budget .
2 They are usually boldly carried out through the door .
3 The Shavante have no shamans , and the duty of protection , fighting , and hunting in Shavanteland is carried out through group debate by men and through their physical violence .
4 All protection is carried out through the power of the ‘ thoughts ’ of individuals , and not through the physical bellicosity of men in groups .
5 The company 's computer-related business is carried out through a subsidiary , MT Computer Rt , in which IBM Corp took a minority stake in April 1992 .
6 The change of chip is largely a political move , since the CPU is used mostly for housekeeping matters on an Auspex server , the main work is carried out through a series of custom and ASIC chips handling Ethernet , File and Storage processing .
7 The Bretton Woods arrangements recognized these problems by encouraging long-term adjustment to be carried out through deficit countries devaluing when their balance of payments was in ‘ fundamental disequilibrium ’ .
8 In such a way of thinking , war was regarded as an invitation for divine intervention , carried out through the divine instrument , the soldier .
9 By the end of the Meiji period control was focused in a highly centralized state whose functions were carried out through Western style political , administrative and judicial institutions operating in the name of the emperor .
10 Many of the team 's functions are carried out through its individual members ' work , either in the performance of their county roles ( for example as Inspector or PAL:YPE ) or in their roles as link persons .
11 Right from the beginning , we argued that the revolutionary process in El Salvador could only be carried out through a popular war in which the incorporation of the civil population is essential When we take over a village or settlement and the enemy forces are ousted … we begin the work of consciousness raising about the situation of the country together with the work of organizing the local population .
12 Their economy was strong and could gain sufficiently in commercial terms from freer trade measures carried out through the OEEC — without any loss of sovereignty .
13 Unfortunately no further work could be carried out through lack of funds .
14 In earlier times and into the twelfth and thirteenth centuries , many of the basic administrative and judicial activities were carried out through the arrangement of hundreds , hundred courts , and hundredal manors courts being held at hundred meeting places , where three men for every tithing or vill had to attend at three-weekly intervals .
15 This was carried out through 1989–1991 and affected virtually everyone in the organisation .
16 The work is carried out through a rolling programme , and the results are published in the official journal of the European Community .
17 The work has been carried out through a rolling programme covering 19 occupational areas and the results are published in the official journal of the EC .
18 In simple terms the research will be carried out through a combination of library and archival research , reading of reports and committee papers , semi-structured interviews , structured interviews , participant observation and sitting in on meetings of relevant committees and groups .
19 Research is being carried out through 16 months ' fieldwork , using the standard anthropological techniques of participant observation and intensive interviewing , in four sample fishing communities in the Gothenburg area , and in the offices of fishermen 's organisations and government bureaux in Gothenburg .
20 Its 1,900-page report covered ( i ) the months after the September 1973 military coup against the left-wing Allende government ; ( ii ) the mass terror of 1974-77 carried out through the National Intelligence Directorate ( DINA ) secret police , which provided what the report called " central co-ordination revealing a will to exterminate a category of people … [ to whom the regime ] attributed a high degree of political dangerousness " ; and ( ii ) the post-1977 period of institutionalized repression .
21 The Union 's decisions on defence could " be wholly or partially carried out through the WEU " but this could be reviewed in 1996 in a general revision of the treaty .
22 The Congress announced after 10 days of debate that " while emphasizing its adherence to Libyan penal and procedural laws the General People 's Committee [ equivalent to a Council of Ministers ] do not object to the investigation and trial being carried out through the committee of seven constituted by the Arab League [ see p. 38883 ] or through the United Nations before a just and fair court to be agreed on " .
23 The most formal level of communication in science is carried out through the medium of the scientific journal .
24 Before the team of analysts engrosses itself into data analysis , which is partly carried out through interview and observation , it is necessary to consider the structure of the organisation and the roles played by members of the management team .
25 It may mean operating with associate companies , where the bulk of the brewing operations are carried out through licensed brewing agreements .
26 This is so even though the exact economic effect might be carried out through a transaction which , in form , was registrable as a security interest in the goods .
27 The survey is expected to take two months to complete and will be carried out through questionnaires sent to venture capitalists and advisers throughout the EC .
28 These three types of regulation can all be carried out through formal legal rules , through self-imposed rules or self-regulation , or some combination of all of these .
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