Example sentences of "responsible for any " in BNC.

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1 Agents , who are responsible for the underwriting syndicates , will be compelled to inform investors specifically about the type of business being handled and underwriters will be obliged to join the market association responsible for any class of insurance written .
2 Agents , who are responsible for the underwriting syndicates , will be compelled to inform investors specifically about the type of business being handled and underwriters will be obliged to join the market association responsible for any class of insurance written .
3 Its leaders say it does not want to be responsible for any disturbances .
4 Parents are seen as responsible for any difficulties in coping with their children .
5 Who is responsible for any illnesses or injuries ?
6 In all such cases we will not be responsible for any costs involved .
7 Qualification will depend on the knowledge and expertise possessed and , as important , the extent to which the problem-solver can be held responsible for any decision according to the system of accountability we have ; that is , the politician is accountable to Parliament and the public , and the individual to any system which the Parliament may have enacted , whether guidelines or law , and to those immediately touched by any decision .
8 The 1989 Schools ' Regulations allow governing bodies to delegate some of their responsibilities to sub-committees or to individuals , though the governing body can still be held legally responsible for any actions taken under these delegated powers .
9 This would be mainframe-driven with suitable terminals in all branches , and the person responsible for any information item would ensure that it was copied to the master file for other parties with the necessary authority to access .
10 That person is then solely responsible for any debts the business may incur .
12 Have the courage to own up to your mistakes and to say sorry when you are responsible for any bad behaviour .
13 If your purchase is for more than £100 and you have paid by a credit agreement linked to the supplier — into which category credit card payments ( Visa , Access etc. ) fall — the finance company or bank behind the credit is , as well as the supplier , responsible for any breach of contract .
14 On a similar tack , Guttersnipe would be intrigued to discover whether Mr Wahlberg was responsible for any more than 20 per cent of the many sexual peccadilloes attributed to him in this column .
15 The cattle owner was held responsible for any damage done by his animal .
16 He had not been on duty on the afternoon of the shooting or responsible for any of the aftermath investigations .
17 4.1 The Publisher shall not be legally responsible for any loss or damage ( howsoever arising ) to the Work its illustrations and other related material while it is in the Publisher 's custody or in the course of production .
18 4.1 The Publisher shall not be legally responsible for any loss or damage ( howsoever arising ) to the Work its illustrations and other related material while it is in the Publisher 's custody or in the course of production .
19 He had a deeply rooted fear of being personally responsible for any diminution at all in the lands committed to his care .
20 They knew that a number of passengers had joined the cruise just to see St Kilda , and that they would almost be made to feel responsible for any disappointment .
21 In a moment of exasperation she told James Whitaker : ‘ I want you to understand that I am not responsible for any sackings .
22 Your are responsible for any charges , fines etc. that may be levied by authorities in the U.K. or overseas for noncompliance of regulations in this area and any such amounts will be recharged to you .
23 Nottinghamshire County Council can not be held responsible for any error , omission or subsequent alteration to the information contained in this brochure .
24 Sovereign can not be held responsible for any train delays , strikes , cancellations or consequential claims arising from such circumstances .
25 Some companies insist that journalists or other borrowers should sign a form to say that they will be responsible for any photographs borrowed and that they will pay for it in the event that a photograph is lost or not returned before a certain date .
26 Field assistants , unlike the district men , are not responsible for any geographical part of an area .
27 And where the members genuinely have control over the board it is legitimate to regard them as partly responsible for any losses that might result , and hence to view it as inappropriate for the court to come to their aid .
28 Mills worked for it and was the officer responsible for any new Polish operations , amongst others .
29 Which mortgage can not be held responsible for any out date of information that may have occurred due to changes taking place after the editorial deadline .
30 The offences are subject to defences that may be summarised as being ‘ no-negligence ’ defences , that is , that the organiser was not responsible for any default that may have occurred in the conduct of the meeting or procession .
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