Example sentences of "become [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Since he had left the French Foreign Legion his bar had become the Paris watering hole for old comrades-in-arms .
2 The arrival of the jackbooted armed emissaries of the state , battering the door in the small hours of the morning , has become the epitome of political repression of right and of left , particularly in respect of dissenting minorities .
3 " Capital sums " — section 739(3) ( 4 ) states : ( 3 ) Where , whether before or after any such transfer , such an individual receives or is entitled to receive any capital sum the payment of which is in any way connected with the transfer or any associated operation , any income which , by virtue or in consequence of the transfer , either alone or in conjunction with associated operations , has become the income of a person resident or domiciled outside the United Kingdom shall , whether it would or would not have been chargeable to income tax apart from the provisions of this section , be deemed to be income of that individual for all purposes of the Income Tax Acts .
4 While liver transplantation has become the treatment of choice in the developed world for many forms of serious acute and chronic liver diseases , its role in the management of liver disease caused by hepatitis B virus ( HBV ) and hepatitis D ( or delta ) virus ( HDV ) infection remains controversial .
5 And who knows , Elvis might not have become the phenomenon that he did …
6 The Haleiwa Theatre was a pink , art deco pleasure dome built by the sugar barons which by the sixties had become the hub of social activity , screening nightly surf movies .
7 How , she asked herself in those early days , has it come about that I , daughter to a humble carpenter and a washerwoman , have become the companion and confidante of her who is close to the throne , who is sister-in-law to him who will one day be King of England ?
8 She was so absorbed that it was not for some time that she realized that the sea on her left was no longer the water of the estuary but had become the ocean .
9 Yet we are still left with the impression that these two Greeks never quite understood what was really happening in the social organism which had become the guarantee of their own survival .
10 Madeleine was only tolerated because she had become the mistress of their leader 's son , Chicot , who was a psychopath and a cold-blooded killer .
11 Thus as a consequence of their history and experience , the Palestinian women 's movement has become the vanguard of the women 's movement in the Arab world . ’
12 The triggers for Britain 's nuclear bombs were tested within their thick concrete walls and they housed the first experiments into radar.The buildings , on a remote spit of land on the Suffolk coast , may not be the oldest but they are certainly among the most historic and sinister in the ownership of the National Trust.They are on Orford Ness , a desolate wildlife haven , which has become the Trust 's latest acquisition at a cost of £3.5 million.Yesterday , in pouring rain and silence broken only by the eerie shriek of gulls , the buildings were shown to journalists for what is thought to be the first time since they were erected.Strands of barbed wire and a Ministry of Defence ‘ keep out ’ notice are now the only remaining evidence of the tight security , overseen by armed guards , which surrounded one of Britain 's most secret research establishments .
13 What was once the tide of progress and aspiration embodied in John Betjeman 's twee Metro-land verses has become the sediment of middle-aged , middle-class insularity .
14 But without Mr Castro , Cuba and its 10m fairly poor people could never have become the nuisance whose finger excitable types discerned in pies all round the globe .
15 The poll is not analysed , but it is striking that countries where pollution from cars has become a major problem have the highest percentages of people who believe that the state of the environment requires urgent action : 85 per cent in Italy ( at the top of the list ) , where Milan , one of the world 's smoggiest cities , now has car-free days and the capital Rome also suffers severely from vehicle congestion and pollution ; 84 per cent in Greece , where restrictions on cars in Athens are imposed to save the citizens ' lungs and their ancient monuments ; 80 per cent in the most vehicle emission-conscious country in Europe , West Germany , whose dead trees have become the symbol of pollution .
16 In the eyes of foreigners trying to do business in Japan , they have become the symbol , and source , of the country 's most exclusionary practices .
17 For most of the remainder , Hitler stood for at least some things they admired , and for many had become the symbol and embodiment of the national revival which the Third Reich had in many respects been perceived to accomplish .
18 Tower blocks have become the symbol for all our disaffection , monumental mistakes for which we can all justifiably blame the politicians and professionals .
19 Tower blocks have become the symbol of our disaffection , monumental mistakes for which we can all justifiably blame the politicians and professionals .
20 The very fact that the ‘ log-cabin' has become the symbol of the pioneer farmer indicates this : on the great prairies timber was not so plentiful .
21 As has become the tradition , the tournament got under way when Gene Sarazen , 90 earlier this year , struck the opening drive .
22 Its origins were Queen Anne but it had been remodelled several times , most radically at the turn of the century when it had become the holiday home of a London architect .
23 In the ‘ new South Africa ’ , as with all sports , this has become the prerequisite for South African rugby 's re-entry into the international arena , no matter that those sympathetic to Danie Craven 's SARB feel other options to exist .
24 These then are the origins and development of the concepts and proposals which have become the substance of the Maastricht Treaty , but about which the public has been notably ill-informed .
25 The inferior and degraded had become the norm .
26 On-screen editing has become the norm for all student work .
27 A new political atmosphere was created where minimal government , budget-cutting and low taxation had become the norm .
28 Driver-only buses have become the norm , and may have increased privatised profitability , but they 've decreased traffic flow .
29 In legal and semi-legal texts , it has become the norm to use lexical repetition even in instances where no ambiguity might result from using pronominal reference .
30 When these small wingflaps have become the norm , the critical height h will become slightly greater .
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