Example sentences of "written after [art] " in BNC.

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1 Buchan 's A Lodge in the Wilderness ( 1906 ) was a more explicit reflection of the imperial ethos of the day , written after a youthful spell on the periphery of Milner 's ‘ kindergarten ’ in South Africa .
2 It is written after a trip of some five months to Pakistan , Northern India and Bangladesh .
3 This is the second of a set of two articles , written after a trip of some five months to Northern India , Pakistan and Bangladesh .
4 The weaknesses of the NHS were also well-known ( see , for example , IHSM 1988 ; Culyer 1988 ; Klein and Day 1988 ) , but the analysis and prescription of the American economist Alain Enthoven , written after a visit to Britain in 1985 , was particularly influential ( Enthoven 1985 ) .
5 His Sunday Telegraph column of October 29 was written after the case of the Guildford Four .
6 Barthes attempts to ground his work in theory in two texts ; the article ‘ Myth Today ’ written after the analyses in Mythologies and published in English with them , and the later Elements of Semiology ( Barthes 1969 ) .
7 Birkenhead , who had written after the victory of 1924 of ‘ the tragedy that so great an Army should have so uninspiring a Commander in Chief ’ and was usually more sparing with his admiration than with his criticism , allowed some balancing increase of his own regard for Baldwin to occur .
8 The book of Kings for instance must have been written after the last event it mentions — the release of King Jehoiachin from prison in 562 BC — yet it also relates the accession of Solomon , some 400 years earlier , as well as numerous events in between .
9 This letter was written after the Djibouti Conference and notwithstanding the communique that had been issued at the conclusion of that conference .
10 My death will not reunite us ; that 's the way it is " ; poignant words that Sartre himself could have written after the death of Nizan in 1940 .
11 Secondary sources are written after the time of the event and are usually based on primary sources .
12 These words were probably written after the capture and tonsuring of the king in 731 by unnamed opponents who kept him for a while in a monastic centre , somewhere presumably in Northumbria .
13 This meditative and philosophical work , written after the death of his beloved wife in March 1927 , is largely composed of memories of her ; their relationship was unusually close and mutually inspiring .
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