Example sentences of "tried [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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1 Pavis , upset at being interrupted as he tried to thank the contractors who have built three new stands , said : ‘ I regret the choice of words but it was an instinctive reaction which was n't meant to be heard . ’
2 Another fishing boat tried to tow the Glenmore back to port in rough seas , but it finally sank ninety miles east of Orkney .
3 Yesterday , the unyielding men of terror tried to claim the province 's 3,001st victim .
4 Some of his harshest condemnations were reserved for those who tried to evade the plain commands of God ( set out in the Old Testament law ) by means of merely human traditions , however venerable .
5 Lin was writing about his native village but he tried to evade the problems posed by autobiographical honesty by couching his story in the form of a novel .
6 The Captain tried to slide the back window down as unobtrusively as possible when the young Sub-lieutenant sitting beside the driver began to choke .
7 The more sophisticated provincial dealers tried to acquire the new denomination at the end of the year as a means of hoarding .
8 As the wheels skidded on the edge of the precipice a storm tried to hurl the coach and her family down the mountainside .
9 She tried to banish the thought that Zambia attracted trouble like a magnet , knowing it to be bad magick even to think that , but it was difficult not to .
10 She tried to banish the humiliation to the back of her mind , but it was worse than the physical pain .
11 Surere was already looking sleeker , Huy thought , as he tried to banish the servile feelings which still rose to the surface when he found himself in the company of his former superior .
12 I tried to banish the idea of a drowned Shelley by conjuring up the memory of Mary stepping into Lake Geneva and looking back at me over her shoulder ; instead came a more ferocious image — that of a gigantic man leaping towards me : not the best picture to help one through these present circumstances .
13 Dredge tried to hog the credit , but it 's clear to me where it really belongs .
14 It reluctantly accepted many of Gorbachev 's proposed reforms ( it had no alternative to offer , apart from more of the policies of the past — and no effective alternative leader ) , but conservatives with vested interests tried to restore the status quo in the 1991 coup attempt .
15 The Peruvian military reacted with force during the Pamplona invasion in May 1971 , when they tried to evict the tens of thousands who had participated in this huge squatter invasion in Lima , with the result that there were several injuries and one death ( Collier 1975 ) .
16 He tried to fudge the issue earlier by saying that he did not want to specify periods .
17 As he tried to breathe the chill night air filled the gaping hole in his neck .
18 TNT let-off CONTRACTORS who tried to demolish the former Brymbo steelworks melting shop with explosives without first obtaining the necessary council permission are not to be prosecuted .
19 I was told to stay where I was while slowly , slowly with delicate patience , the young son tried to inch the two embedded wheels out of the stuff .
20 ‘ But you were already with Zacco when they tried to kill the demoiselle at Kalopetra , ’ the youth said .
21 She was a treacherous bitch who tried to kill the young king , but that 's another story .
22 Well-organised Cambridge tried to kill the game and Boro were naive when caught out so often by the offside trap .
23 The outlawed Ulster Freedom Fighters said it tried to kill the three Roman Catholic taxi drivers .
24 When I tried to re-introduce the zero foods my problems were milk and wheat , with milk the main culprit behind my symptoms .
25 To further aggrandize himself , he tried to supplant the captain as our host .
26 I tried to hit the nose but my arm did n't move .
27 Martin Kean was injured as he tried to carry the flaming pan out of his third storey flat in Ainstey House , Norton .
28 He was surprised to find that the medical officer was not resident at the hospital , ‘ … my wife and I , and a friend ( the wife of a highly-placed London County Council Official ) tried to interview the medical officer at his home ’ .
29 I had to comply , and so , to lessen my growing awareness of danger , I tried to slacken the contact my arms were making with his smooth chubby hurdies .
30 A series of agreements from 1898 onwards tried to channel the tension between the two powers along ‘ Manchuria for Korea ’ lines , i.e. Russia was to have the dominant interest in Manchuria , while Japan dominated in Korea .
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