Example sentences of "held the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The metal clips that held the pages together had left smears of rust on the paper .
2 Three men held the yak 's head down with ropes , their weight pitted against the great muscles of its neck and shoulders as it threw its head about , crazy with the pain of the knife in its withers .
3 Bobo continued to reach out , but Donaldson held the banana beyond her grasp .
4 I held the jumper up to the machine , without stretching the work ( that is , between the two markers ) and picked up the ‘ stitches ’ within this area .
5 The board that held the keys in the porter 's charge hung just within the doorway , and she had sharp enough eyes to pick out the nail that was empty , and the fellow to the absent key close beside it .
6 Area Manager , Paul Stearn saw the opportunity of bringing together contented councillors who had used our services with local authority personnel who held the keys to future business .
7 Zen held the X-rays up to the light .
8 Gordon Mahoney held the brandy glass in his hand and swirled the amber fluid around gently before sipping at it .
9 He held the flask out to me , but I shook my head .
10 Er previous to that I held the licence at The Three Fishes at er for three years .
11 Er previous to that I held the licence for The Mason 's Arms at for three years previous to that and before that I 've been connected with the catering and licence trade from being fifteen .
12 He held the mirror up so that Lucien could see into it .
13 Hurrying to the door , Manville held the sack up so that it half obscured his face and walked briskly after the young agent .
14 A thousand questions clamoured in his head , and the journal held the answers to them all .
15 Guy found his gaze moving slowly over Isabel as if her body held the answers to the questions in his mind .
16 James Abbott held the crook he carried every working day , the crook that had been his father 's when he was shepherd here , head shepherd to Alexander Bewick .
17 Residents at Wesley Court , Darlington , held the event on Saturday to help pay for day trips and to replace their karaoke machine stolen last month .
18 He held the look so long that Pascoe laughed .
19 She held the Moosehead repeater to her chest and died with a sentimental smile on her face .
20 These pieces of evidence would seem to establish beyond doubt the correctness of Mustakimzade 's dating of Molla Arab 's Muftilik , a dating which , in turn , leaves no room for the possibility that Abdulkerim held the Muftilik — or the Muftilik of Istanbul , at any rate during the period stated by the later tradition .
21 For the first time , an English king held the duchy from the French crown in liege homage .
22 The other held the horn an inch from his lips .
23 The low right-hand block held the boilers , the tall central structure the beam engine and the narrow left-hand building a gigantic wheel with slats that scooped the water into the river .
24 Mathers held the butt of his cigarette in a pinched grip , drawing smoke through his finger-ends .
25 The hurdle of post office reform has brought down French ministers of state before now , notably Pierre Lelong , who held the posts and telecommunications portfolio in Jacques Chirac 's government but was forced to resign after a long and bitter strike in 1974 .
26 Aged 39 , he was raised to the Bench as Lord Boyle and later held the posts of Lord Justice Clerk and Lord Justice General .
27 In most districts the same person held the posts of justice of the peace and police magistrate , but it was necessary for the complainant to determine in which capacity he wanted this official to act .
28 Taskopruzade 's statement about the three posts is ambiguous in this respect , although his assertion that Molla Fenari was unable to make fair copies of a number of his works because of his duties as kadi , muderris and Mufti might be taken to imply that he held the posts simultaneously .
29 Mecdi has certainly taken Taskopruzade to mean that Molla Fenari held the posts simultaneously , for he adds to Taskopruzade 's statement about his holding the offices the sentence : " He united the aforementioned posts at one time . "
30 He held the posts of assistant keeper at General Register House in Edinburgh and lecturer in Scottish history at Edinburgh University before becoming professor of Scottish history and palaeography at the university in 1963 , a position he held until his retirement in 1979 .
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