Example sentences of "held [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Then she held Demian in her arms and they danced together until they dissolved into one another in the storm .
2 Markets , held free of toll by privilege of the Lord of the Manor , and the ‘ Goose Fairs ’ , where poultry and pigs were sold , died out only at the turn of the century .
3 The open-air markets , held weekly in most major towns , are lively social gatherings at which you may be lucky enough to strike an excellent holiday bargain .
4 It was the same dream as before , only this time Frankie had entered the room with his father 's long-handled axe held high above his head .
5 He had no time to call for help on his radio because , even as he saw him , the man rushed forward , the machete held high above his head .
6 Thirty shaven-headed servants followed , the open casket held high above their heads .
7 Trentham rose slowly from the top of the pulpit and began to descend the stone steps with his hands held high above his head .
8 I watched him jog off , the head held high for the first twenty yards , to promote oxygenation , then tucked in low as he measured out the rhythm of his pace .
9 She was clapping , her hands held high as if in triumph , laughter and tears on her unmasked face .
10 ‘ Na , na , na , baby ’ ducking his head down and shaking it , his elbows bent up and his clicking fingers held high behind his ears , while he footed round the room .
11 He was escorting three German prisoners in the direction of Brigade H.Q The Germans were doubling along , their hands held high in the air , a look of apprehension on their faces .
12 At this point it may — especially if it is a spotted skunk — perform a handstand , rearing on to its front legs with its hind legs held high in the air .
13 At the subsequent press conference held high in the stadium stand , Foster hushed even the most hardened of hacks by dedicating his gold medal to his mother who had died two years earlier , along with other members of his family , in a car crash .
14 A burst of applause from the middle of the hall ; Sheila clapping energetically , her hands held high in front of her ; Annie , confused , somewhat anxious , a knot of surprise at Sheila 's enthusiasm .
15 Kitty reluctantly left the table only to return a moment later with her nose held high in the air .
16 The room reflected an aggressive nature — the photographs of burly boxers with fists held high in victory , the guns in the cabinet on the wall , the small black-and-white television blaring out the commentary of a boxing match , the picture of a large dog in the corner .
17 He raised his chin , looking at Yin Tsu , who nodded , his face held rigid in a grimace of pain .
18 Individual pots can be sealed in a plastic bag held clear of the foliage by wire hoops .
19 Yadav and Pope ( 1992b ) investigated the effects of marking to the market on the profits from arbitrage positions held unchanged until delivery .
20 There are also evening Mothers in Employment meetings held monthly in homes and larger , fundraising Coffee Mornings on the last Thursday of each month .
21 There are also evening Mothers in Employment meetings held monthly in homes and larger , fundraising Coffee Mornings on the last Thursday of each month .
22 There are also evening Mothers in Employment meetings held monthly in homes and larger , fundraising Coffee Mornings on the last Thursday of each month .
23 There are also evening Mothers in Employment meetings held monthly in homes and larger , fundraising Coffee Mornings on the last Thursday of each month .
24 There are also evening Mothers in Employment meetings held monthly in homes and larger , fundraising Coffee Mornings on the last Thursday of each month .
25 Lie your dog on his back and , holding one paw at at time , carefully trim away the excess hair with sharp , but round-ended scissor held flat against the pads .
26 The Class 40 , dressed in a never-never livery of rail blue with all yellow cabs , large BR logo and carrying a might-have-been number 40 445 , was facing south — held stationary by the unblinking red eye of a four-aspect colour light signal , newly erected at the Manchester end of Platform Three .
27 What held good for Stoke Poges held good for the Western Isles ; Kathleen Raine has given us a description , worthy of Thomas Gray , of the burial of an old Scotswoman :
28 What held good for Stoke Poges held good for the Western Isles ; Kathleen Raine has given us a description , worthy of Thomas Gray , of the burial of an old Scotswoman :
29 Though intended primarily for adults , the advice held good for young refugees .
30 In this example , the assumption held good in the test we submitted it to : the experience of unemployment was broadly similar for those who were unalienated as it was for those who were alienated ; we could feel confident about averaging the two d s .
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