Example sentences of "mean the end " in BNC.

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1 At the start of the book there are false notes , those of a Hemingway war correspondent : ‘ Every knock at the door could mean the end for me .
2 Diabetes mellitus does not mean the end of the world .
3 If its research is successful , it should mean the end of mass-produced tomatoes that are tasteless because they are picked before they are fully ripe to prevent wastage during handling .
4 The special relationship looked more formal and detached , with Mrs Thatcher in danger of being sidelined , with her suspicion of long-range missile agreements that might mean the end of Trident and a potential British nuclear presence .
5 This Engels emphatically asserted in The Origin when he argues that communism would mean the end of the family as we know it and the liberation of women .
6 Despite the assurances of the Director of his Department that he was favourably looked upon , and despite the fact that there was no doubt that at his office he was being treated with a subtle air of respect , nothing formal or official about his promotion had been announced ; and as he knew very well , a change of Directorship , a shift in Government economic policy , even a chill wind in international relations , could mean the end of his hopes .
7 If an election is held in Punjab in May as promised , it seems certain that the militants will win , and that could mean the end of the careers ( and perhaps lives ) of tough cops .
8 Elsewhere in Africa , the end of foreign patronage may also mean the end of the corrupt leaders it has sustained .
9 One problem during the tour had centred on the young fast bowler Roy Gilchrist , who had been sent home from India for disciplinary reasons ; after the tour , opinion was divided as to whether his misdemeanours should mean the end of his Test career or whether he should be helped back into the fold by someone such as Worrell , whom he worshipped .
10 Privatization would not mean the end of support for the railways .
11 The National Labrador Welfare Centre was started by the efforts of one lady and is run from her own home ; but decreasing resources could mean the end of this rescue success story , now in desperate need of your help
12 At the Communist world conference in 1957 held in post-Sputnik euphoria , Mao Tse-tung declared that the East wind was prevailing over the West wind and that nuclear war would mean the end of capitalism but not of communism : if 300 million Chinese were killed , there would still be 300 million left alive .
13 Stereotyped curricula would mean the end of democratic education .
14 On the face of things , the collapse of BSB ( transparently dressed up as a ‘ merger ’ with Sky to form BSkyB ) might mean the end of the Marcopolo satellites for domestic broadcasting , the end of MAC in Britain and a dead end to the elegant upgrade path to wide-screen TV .
15 To throw in the towel would mean the end of misery , a shower , clean sheets , good food and reunion with my family after the months I had spent in training camp .
16 Defeat would mean the end : for the emperor , his army , their dreams of glory , perhaps even for France .
17 If he did not agree it would mean the end of his mission .
18 They abandoned this idea when they realised that it would mean the end of the NSDAP in Danzig .
19 If the winning shot ever comes from a longbow again , quite a few people thought it would mean the end of that meeting and adjournment to the pub to spend the rest of the day celebrating !
20 ‘ Regulation is OK , but competition is better — real competition would mean the end of official regulators , ’ he added .
21 Later he tells me that the apocalypse will also mean the end of macho .
22 That mining might mean the end of the road for the town , with a population of some 6,000 people , did not unduly worry the man from the Department of Economic Development — Northern Ireland ( DEDNI ) , Ivor Greene , who told the Irish Times ‘ If it was decided that the time was proper for mining to proceed , Ballymoney could disappear but the people would be well compensated if it came to that ’ .
23 I told Mike Teague beforehand that if we lost it would mean the end of the road for a few of us . ’
24 This does not mean the end of prints and weaves . ’
25 But top psychiatrist Professor Stuart Fischoff says if Diana underwent treatment it could mean the end of her marriage .
26 LAST LAUGH : Grobbelaar 's Zimbabwean safari could mean the end for Liverpool 's clown prince of goalkeeping
27 It does not mean the end of sex .
28 For Televisa that could mean the end of a luxurious fiesta .
29 One of those lamented that a judgement against Koons could mean the end of ‘ appropriation ’ , a practice in which artists either manipulate or simply reproduce images from other sources to comment critically on the social core of notions of meaning or beauty .
30 Graduation need not mean the end of your association with the University of Salford , if you become a member of Convocation .
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