Example sentences of "to put up [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Are you so afraid of being wrong that you 're prepared to put up warning notices for those involved ? ’
2 Are the Government prepared to put up money to assist local authorities if they decide to prosecute in the interests of what they believe ought to be the law , and in fact is the law ?
3 Call for EC to put up price of smoking
4 In addition , the Council agreed to put up cycle/ pedestrian direction signs at suitable locations nearby , so that people , local or not , are aware of the path 's existence .
5 The announcement everyone had been waiting for came on time as British Telecom proposed to put up telephone bills by five per cent .
6 One school , deciding that extra space for resource-based learning was a priority , took over a classroom for use in unstructured individualized work , with the result that other classrooms including some specialist rooms were more heavily used than before ; teachers complained that they could not get in to put up work on the blackboard beforehand , and were introduced to the more thorough use of the overhead projector ; the timetabler had to bear in mind the needs of some practical subjects where the previous laying-out of equipment was vital , but the exercise was valuable in focusing attention on such priorities and making them clear to everyone .
7 The shops have started to put up Christmas decorations .
8 In view of the record of Conservative Governments in always putting up VAT and in view of the Prime Minister 's promises on other aspects of policy , how can he pretend that his intention is not to put up VAT ?
9 Just as he did during the general election when we said that the Tories planned to put up VAT .
10 ‘ Why would n't you ask your father to put up bail for you ? ’
11 We 're dismayed that Network Southeast is seeking to put up season ticket fares by up to four times the rate of inflation on some lines .
12 But if the blo if that block of land had been sold off , and somebody came along and wanted to put up farm buildings and a house , then we would support it , probably , because there 's an area of land there that 's viable .
13 I learned how to put up wallpaper — I became quite expert at it !
14 Commenting on the increase in UK base rates to 15 per cent last month , he added : ‘ What sort of expression of sovereignty is it to have to race after the Bundesbank within minutes of its unilaterally deciding to put up interest rates ?
15 He knows that the organisations that the hon. Member for Derby , South said commend Labour party policy and many others are arguing amongst themselves about only one thing — how much the Labour party would have to put up interest rates in order to establish its credibility if it were elected .
16 As workmen moved in to put up fencing yesterday , more demonstrators joined a small group of protesters who had been on a 24-hour vigil at the site .
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