Example sentences of "to put [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 You had to buy your own stuff , I bought a pair of thigh boots and they were all made with leather and he and I used to put neat's-foot oil on them and I could roll them down just like a b just like a boot .
2 When you 've finished sorting them into their piles , the next job is to put each pile into a separate bag , so that you would put all your bones into one bag , all your pottery into another .
3 It can be advantageous to put each formula on a stability test and to leave earlier formulae on storage when later different formulae are developed ; the earlier formula may eventually prove to be more stable than later formulae .
4 Many correspondents complained that their constructive advice , as opposed to their prying , fell on stony ground , since most peasants lacked the means to put technical advice on agriculture into effect .
5 One fundamental characteristic of professional people ( including those who are the most successful ) is to put technical excellence in their own field first , everything else coming a poor second .
6 So I think that er to put parental investment theory centre stage is more reliable and better than the rather old-fashioned biological approach which in talking about sex emphasise things like sex chromosomes and hormones , so that a sex chromosome in a mammal for instance was something that a male had but a female did n't and this gave rise to hormonal effects like those of testosterone erm which are thought to be very important .
7 Britain 's local councils charge £6-10 a ton to put solid waste in landfills : a price , say the commercial firms , that does not reflect capital investment or the sums that must be et aside to ensure a landfill is properly maintained during its 30 years or so of life .
8 The vote was not legally binding , but was thought to put strong pressure on the Council of Ministers , which would have the final decision on the basis of qualified majority voting .
9 Whatever the outcome , the Government 's willingness to continue pushing through the float during this Parliament shows how ministers are prepared to put political expediency before the interests of the industry .
10 He er he was strong enough man to put fifty pound down for his deposit , towards his deposit of a hundred and fifty you know ?
11 There was no way to put that garment on alluringly — she knew that with certainty , having spent hours struggling in front of her bedroom mirror .
12 Do you think I ought to put that teddy in his cot ?
13 You may well , for instance , be depending to a large extent on the character of the victim ( as I was in The Murder of the Maharajah ) and the least troublesome way to put that character before the reader is in direct scenes showing the future victim in action .
14 I may object on a point of fact ( ‘ There are no gibbons there now ’ ) or by appealing to some other end or principle ( ‘ You ought not to put that problem off any longer ’ ) .
15 Erm now we have , as an authority to negotiate er , to put that land together erm the Scout 's hut is on some of that land at the moment , and we 've failed er , to do that in the past .
16 That 's basically for editing purposes , so that , if the editor , he likes the general tenor of what you 've said but he perhaps wants to , he wants to chop a little bit out or he wants to put that sentence up there , he 's got somewhere that he can actually , he can actually do his editing .
17 If we try to put that description more concretely , we might describe essay- writing as involving a standardised , written variety of language which seeks to communicate clearly while following academic conventions .
18 Thank God we have n't been bombed , and Theresa has n't had to put that gas mask on the baby . ’
19 Now he was determined to put that mistake right .
20 To put that type of pressure on individuals I think is absolutely awful .
21 With his splendid physique and proud , noble head his presence is such as to give him an instant advantage over any bowler , and he has rarely failed to put that advantage to use ; spinners in particular have suffered at his hands , but when he decides that he wants to score runs it is virtually impossible to bowl to him .
22 I wanted to forget it and to put that life behind me .
23 Similarly , Samet added , the paint is flaking on Georges Seurat 's 1888 masterpiece ‘ Les Poseuses ’ , reason enough not to put that work on tour .
24 Right , when you , off you go then dear , you want to put that stuff in ?
25 ‘ Anyway , to make extra sure , you get yourself round to Bella 's tomorrow morning , ’ said Simon , ‘ and get her to put that money in the bank . ’
26 He was n't ashamed to put that money into his business , it 's what she wanted and he wanted .
27 The new Toxic Shock Syndrome Information Service aims to put that ignorance right .
28 Now we 're going to put that knowledge to work .
29 You have to have the ability to put that knowledge across . ’
30 ‘ I 've also got to know Whitby very well and it 's nice to be able to put that knowledge to good use . ’
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