Example sentences of "stood [v-ing] [art] " in BNC.

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1 She stood stroking the animal and murmuring to it for a moment longer before glancing around the hut .
2 Slowly he rose from his seat and went over to the headmaster who stood twisting the piece of white chalk between his fingers .
3 While I stood surveying the scene , Otto watched me .
4 At the pavement 's edge Joseph stood surveying the crowd with fascinated eyes ; in Cholon 's narrower streets , Europeans were far rarer than on the boulevards of Saigon , and the vast majority of the faces were Chinese .
5 Now , in the reluctant dawn light , he stood eyeing the carriage and rubbing his grizzled chin .
6 He carried her into the Sun Chamber , and stood eyeing the sleeping Court with amusement .
7 He moved at once , for he would not lie here on the floor before this ancient evil creature and , although it was awkward and painful to stand up because of the ropes that bound his arms , he did so in a swift fluid movement and stood eyeing the Robemaker .
8 He stood flexing the body he had preserved to himself by hard exercise and the austere living that wore so deceptive a cloak of luxury .
9 He stood pondering the waters once more .
10 Two enormous china Dalmatians stood guarding the front door .
11 But , above all , this enlargement made provision for the revival of the local past which Lanfranc 's building had rigorously excluded : on either side of the high altar were the altars of Dunstan and Elphege , and over the altar was a beam on which they stood flanking the figure of Christ in Majesty .
12 When he reached the ground he stood facing the trunk , unwilling to turn round .
13 They walked on together , past the silent school and the public house , until they rounded the bulk of St Andrew 's church and stood facing the ruins .
14 I stood facing the door and said , " Yes . "
15 As he stood facing the dirty water , she wanked him off .
16 It was a wide sweep of shingle with a huge row of athanatos , or agaves , whose bizarre twelve-foot candelabra of flowers stood facing the sea .
17 But as he stood facing the Robemaker in the low-ceilinged workroom , the humming of the Silver Looms all about them , the dry heat stifling and the air thick with the red glow of the furnaces , he looked fully into the face of his captor and thought : what did he do to Ireland 's Royal House to deserve such punishment ?
18 On the next page , another plastic Santa stood holding a walnut .
19 Moran stood holding the edge of the door until the headlights disappeared and he closed the door without shutting the iron gate at the road or the small wooden gate leaning against the boxwood .
20 She did not reply , simply stood holding the door until he had gone .
21 Aggie stood holding the key in her hand .
22 He stood holding the bridle of my horse and stared innocently up at me like one of the children from his own school room .
23 Eddie stood holding the door-knob , her face twisted in a ferocious glare .
24 The steward left Cranston and Athelstan , who stood examining the exquisite hangings on the wall and a small cupboard full of manuscripts bound with the costliest leather and vellum .
25 Gingerly she lowered the sweet-tempered child into the cot , not taking her eyes from her exquisite face , Ruth stood gripping the sides of the cot with fingers whitened in an attempt at stopping them shaking .
26 The West Gate Lodge was quite a distance from the farm avenue , where now Nicandra stood maturing a change of direction in her assaults on love and popularity .
27 An enormous oak tree stood overshadowing the cottage .
28 Roberta came running down , grasped Alice , stood rocking the sobbing girl , " There , there , there … "
29 Charlie no longer played rhythm guitar but stood clutching a mike stand at the edge of the stage , howling at the kids , who pogoed like road drills , and spat and lobbed bottles until the stage was littered with broken glass .
30 She stood fingering the tresses of the willow , branches of which wept over the upturned hull of a boat , which had been dug out of the peat bog to the north of the island and was permanently on display .
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