Example sentences of "following the end " in BNC.

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1 Other vulnerable countries face heavy expenditures , cancelling out any savings made in defence budgets — around one trillion dollars a year globally — following the end of the cold war and perhaps rising to the levels of expenditures experienced in a war .
2 Following the end of the First World War , the leading question in the mining industry was whether or not the state would return the coal mines to their pre-war owners .
3 Kafka-esque is inevitably the word that will be employed to describe the image-battering confusion and dark horror of this picture of the collapsed state , as much moral as political , of Germany in the weeks immediately following the end of the war .
4 Following the end of the war the king , Vittorio Emanuele III , abdicated and a national referendum abolished the monarchy in favour of a republic , with the new king , Umberto II , going into exile .
5 Following the end of cloth-making , the mill buildings were let out to a number of tenants , providing some employment .
6 In 1682 , following the end of the Civil War , it was rebuilt .
7 In fact , I would recommend everyone follows the Maintenance Programme for the week following the end of the Inch Loss Plan .
8 Following the end of the boom in 1988 , prices fell fastest in regions which had shown the highest increases previously .
9 During the 1930s and throughout the Second World War the site had been an isolated airfield and it was here , immediately following the end of the war and a clamp-down on the interchange of information with the USA , that it was decided to set up Britain 's civil atomic energy programme .
10 It had remained a far outpost of steam for the nationalised system for the nationalised system following the end of steam on the rest of the system in 1968 .
11 When the subsequent rise to power of the Independent New Model Army in the period following the end of the war prevented the English Presbyterians from delivering this promise , the Scots promptly looked elsewhere .
12 These are audited by the Comptroller and Auditor General ( C & AG ) and published in the autumn following the end of the financial year .
13 Our report concerns events which took place in the days immediately following the end of the war in southern Austria , the area of mountains and valleys making up the province of Carinthia .
14 War Diaries , situation reports and other records of the time vividly convey the chaos prevailing throughout the area in those days immediately following the end of the war , as British units encountered this mass of fugitives fleeing , blocking roads or -seeking to surrender , mixed in with the Tito 's partisans and in eastern Carinthia with the advancing Bulgarians of Tolbukhin 's 3rd Ukrainian Front .
15 It is still not generally appreciated just how serious a threat to the peace of Europe was posed by the situation developing in north-east Italy and southern Austria in the days immediately following the end of the European war in 1945 .
16 Power seemed to be moving towards Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani who was arguing that his country needed to mend bridges with the rest of the world in order to rebuild Iran , following the end of the long war with Iraq .
17 Which factors are most likely to limit the spread of liberal democracy following the end of the Cold War ?
18 the date of its incorporation ) and ends on the last day of the reference period and that subsequent financial years begin with the day immediately following the end of the previous financial year and end with the last day of its next accounting reference period ‘ or on such other date not more than seven days before or after the end of that period as the directors may determine . ’
19 Goukouni Oueddei , former leader of the Libyan-backed Gouvernement d'unite nationale tchadienne ( GUNT ) and the most prominent remaining exile , had remained in the background following the end of Chad-Libyan fighting .
20 Under these amendments the Public Security Corps would become part of a civilian ministry following the end of hostilities ; Supreme Court of Justice members would need to be elected by two-thirds of the Legislative Assembly ; and funding from the state budget for the judiciary would be guaranteed .
21 At the conference , the US Secretary of State James Baker promised that the USA 's engagement in Asia would increase rather than decrease following the end of US-Soviet confrontation .
22 At a meeting in Larnaca , Cyprus , on Feb. 3-4 representatives from 54 countries of the Non-Aligned Movement ( NAM ) , including over 20 foreign ministers , made limited progress towards defining a new role for the movement following the end of the Cold War .
23 The German government , citing cost and changed security needs following the end of the Cold War , confirmed on June 30 that it was to withdraw from the multinational European Fighter Aircraft ( EFA ) project .
24 They discussed the threats to their livelihoods from ozone depletion , oil and industrial pollution , and the potential of accidents in abandoned nuclear installations following the end of the Cold War .
25 Some 64,186 tonnes of insecticides were used on the republic 's cotton crops in 1975 ; this fell to 30,083 tonnes in 1985 , as the environmental implications of their use became evident , and to 2,586 tonnes in 1991 , following the end of the centrally planned system .
26 An example of a clause providing for the payment of a participating dividend is : The Company shall after making all necessary provisions for payment of the Preference Dividend ( including any Arrears ) and the redemption of the Preference Shares but in priority to payment of any dividend to the holders of Ordinary Shares , pay to the holders of the Preferred Ordinary Shares as from ( and inclusive of ) the accounting period ending … , subject to payment in full of the Preferred Dividend ( including any Arrears of the same ) pay to the holders of Preferred Ordinary Shares a cumulative cash dividend ( " the Participating Dividend " ) of a sum ( net of any advance corporation tax payable by the Company ) equal to … % of the Profit After Tax for each accounting period of the Company ; the Participating Dividend shall be deemed to accrue from day to day throughout each accounting period and shall become payable and be paid not later than four months immediately following the end of the accounting period to which it relates .
27 It is part of the wind down of NATO bases , following the end of the cold war .
28 But these were some of the more welcome changes following the end of the Second World War , which were transforming life for people living in the countryside .
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