Example sentences of "takes over the " in BNC.

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1 In the afternoon he starts by sleeping , then takes over the kitchen and insists on preparing extravagant five-course meals .
2 ‘ There will certainly be a strike across the republic if the military takes over the railway , ’ said the movement 's spokesman , Nazim Ragimov .
3 ‘ This hunger-striking buffoon sneaks out to eat so he can be well fed when he takes over the presidency , but he is screwed , ’ General Noriega said of his opponent .
4 He also takes over the responsibilities of Overseas Director as well as managing the membership on the CHQ roll .
5 In return for a small share of the songs ' royalty earnings , the larger company takes over the day-to-day business of administering the musicians ' song catalogues while the musicians retain all copyright and control of their material ( see the ‘ self-publishing ’ section below ) .
6 He said that the Italian Government , which takes over the presidency of the EC Council of Ministers , in July should ‘ convene and open ’ the treaty revision conference before handing over its presidency in December next year .
7 The Italian government , which takes over the EC presidency from Ireland next summer , will use the three-stage Delors strategy for monetary union as the basis for considering changes to the Treaty of Rome .
8 The main responsibility will fall on the Irish Government , which takes over the presidency of the EC council of ministers at the end of the month , and the Italians , who take over in July .
9 The Irish Government , which takes over the Presidency of the European Community at the end of the month has expressed its determination to give higher priority to environmental issues .
10 Coventry entertain Pontypridd in one of their last fixtures before the All Blacks ' coach Alex Wyllie takes over the Midlands Second Division team for six weeks from Tony Hunt .
11 China , which takes over the British colony in 1997 , refuses to bless the undertaking — and thus open the way for private financing of part of it — until it has wrung several concessions from the British .
12 If the nucleic acid core enters a living cell , it takes over the metabolism of that cell , so that the viral DNA is copied , and viral coat proteins , coded for by the genes of the virus , are synthesized .
13 Sir Richard , 60 , who beat a challenge from Belgian Gen Jose Charlier , takes over the three-year post from Norwegian Gen Vigleik Eide .
14 In July Britain takes over the EC presidency .
15 Stephen Dorrell , 40 , an unimpressive former junior health minister , takes over the Financial Secretary job left vacant when Francis Maude lost his seat last week .
16 Mr Major 's claim to have emerged from the shadow of his predecessor will be tested in July when he takes over the presidency of the EC for six months .
17 A second point is that any company that takes over the satellites would want to sell the data to private individuals and organisations around the world .
18 COME 1 JANUARY , THE MAN WHO turned GM Europe into a profitable operation and fathered winners such as the Calibra takes over the top spot at Chrysler .
19 Lloyd Mangram takes over the letters page as of next month — if Scorelord can find him !
20 Sometimes a family crisis such as the wife 's admission to hospital for an operation , or confinement , when mother-in-law comes to the rescue and willingly takes over the housekeeping , will draw them together , and help them to value each other as people for the first time ; but more often it is a gradual process , the slow demolition of long-held prejudices .
21 But with business concluded , the convention changes gear and , from Thursday on , everyone is in full motley and a gigantic free-wheeling circus takes over the town , with clowns doing their stuff along the esplanade , at the railway station , on the buses , in the streets , pubs , restaurants and takeaways , as well as under the big top and in the conference centre .
22 But rumour has it that a sevens tournament is going to be organised in Moscow in September to decide who takes over the Soviet place : Russia , Ukraine , Georgia , Latvia or Kazakhstan .
23 COMEDY is set to be one of the strong suits of Meridian which takes over the TVS area and its 5.2 million viewers .
24 Meanwhile the ethereal life of Ranveer , Bubbles and Socks , an unworldly trio who react in a childlike way to every sling and arrow as if permanently looking for Nanny , starts to unravel when a new administrator takes over the game park with thinly veiled hostility towards his country 's nobility .
25 These surveys come in the week when Carlton Television , which takes over the Thames franchise in the new year , announced its schedule .
26 TV company Carlton Communications , which takes over the Thames franchise in January , is looking good with analysts forecasting a profits increase of up to 16% , at £103m .
27 BILL CLINTON has given a chilling warning that Britain 's cosy relationship with the United States is heading for the big freeze when he takes over the White House .
28 Mr Powell will step down at Christmas , days before Carlton takes over the franchise held by Thames on New Year 's Day .
29 This routine can be carried out manually without any special equipment , but it is easier and quicker with an edit controller which takes over the operation of both machines from the one keyboard .
30 If , however , the decision is not challenged , the supervisor takes over the running of the IVA .
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