Example sentences of "along the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Look along the sections of the tables and match the main features of the case with the features of the remedies .
2 Outside there was snow and slush along the streets and sidewalks .
3 ( The Tri-Pacer acquired the name Tuk Tuk , à la the motor tri-shaws that zap along the streets of Bangkok . )
4 I watch the men and women as they crowd along the streets or sit in their cars and vans and buses and trucks , and their freedom seems inestimably precious , exotic and vicariously intoxicating .
5 My heart tells me of a perfect flower in the centre of the garden and I move along the pathways , stopping to drink in some new and dazzling sight or scent that arrests me .
6 With a very sharp knife , cut along the backbone and work along the bones cutting the skin and meat away in one piece .
7 Tiptoe along the lanes and peer over hedges .
8 When you go to buy your boots or shoes , take along the socks you intend to wear for walking .
9 Most of the animals that live along the hedgerows unfortunately only come out at night and the best way to see them is in the light of a car 's headlamp .
10 Other duties of the maître are defined in the article ‘ Ensemble ’ : ‘ It is for maîtres de musique , conducteurs and chefs d'orchestre above all to guide , or hold back , or hurry along the musicians so as to obtain ensemble everywhere . ’
11 At the state-run Peco garages , blue-jeaned secret policemen saunter along the lines of Dacias , checking who is playing truant from work .
12 When stories appear along the lines that in another life you were a peasant girl who starved to death during Ireland 's potato famine you know you 've arrived .
13 Instead reply along the lines of , ‘ I do n't think I have any weaknesses which would affect my ability to do this job ’ .
14 But the chick may not remember these as three separate items ; instead , and more likely , it will adopt a different , and indeed more rational , strategy , and generalize along the lines that ‘ all objects of a certain size , irrespective of colour , are likely to taste bitter and should be avoided ’ ; that is , it would be remembering one item , not three .
15 This segmentation of spheres of action and influence along the lines of gender difference is reflected in the radio programming in the novel .
16 But the committee chairman , the Labour MP , Gerald Kaufman , said : ‘ Either changes are made , I hope along the lines that we recommend , or I very much fear statutory regulation to which I am very , very much opposed . ’
17 Alternatively we can rent a small boat and row along the channels through the reeds and into the lakes .
18 Go right and collect the bone , fall down , fly up on the fountain and collect the cocoa bean , fall down and jump along the pipes , go up on the platforms , go left at the top , get the cocoa bean and fall down , wait on the platform next to the pipes , go right on the ice cream , go up on the next ice cream , up on the platforms , bounce on the fountain , jump up three platforms and go right , collect the cocoa bean , climb down four platforms , climb up , go right to the top of the map , go right on the lifts and platforms and collect the blue object .
19 Along zones of plate convergence , especially where these occur along the margins — of continents ( such as along the west coast of South America ) , buckling of the oceanic lithosphere causes it to founder and sink into the underlying asthenosphere , thereby forming a subduction zone .
20 In Bright Angel the heat is intense and cacti with red and yellow flowers grow along the sides of the trail among great sheared-off blocks of stone .
21 These squares now expand at the corners and erode along the sides , returning to square shape after another doubling of total generations .
22 Diesel offers immediate fuel saving of between 20 to 30 per cent , and when such developments as the direct-injected , two-stroke , supercharged diesel come along the savings could be higher , 70 or 80 per cent , which would reduce carbon dioxide emissions .
23 Go along the rocks , descending the path which goes through a broken wall and joins a farm track opposite some farm buildings .
24 Stroll along the banks of the River Arno , sit in the Boboli Gardens by the fountains , eat hearty pizzas or huge dramatic sandwiches stuffed with cheese , tomato and salami for around £3 .
25 As you work along the chambers , you should find one that is empty , which will tell you that the blockage is between that one and the previous full one .
26 The sea also began to break over us and wash along the decks .
27 At Columbus Circle , for instance , a ship with billowing sails is repeated ( the ‘ Santa Maria ’ ? ) while beavers march along the walls at Astor Place ( John Jacob Astor made his fortune trading in beaver pelts ) .
28 Glasses clash and cutlery clatters in the all-night cantinas where drunken revellers confuse the robot waiters and flee along the colonnades , their bills unpaid , their breath steaming in the thin and wintry air .
29 Look along the rows of machinery at any farm show and you 'll see a lot of professionally-made equipment .
30 Look along the rows of blocks of holes ( marked stitches ) longer than three stitches — if the design has these it will not be suitable for weaving .
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