Example sentences of "brought up to " in BNC.

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1 Asked to have breakfast brought up to his room at six .
2 Leucanthemella serotina is what I was brought up to call Chrysanthemum ulginosum , the so-called moon daisy of Hungary , where it is often found growing in damp places .
3 There were around a thousand registered fighters in the 1940s , but the number fell steadily in the 1950s and 1960s as working-class affluence softened inner-city boys brought up to fight out of hunger and the sheer hardness of street life .
4 Rents needed to be brought up to a realistic level , housing stock modernized , particularly in some of the rundown areas of Kennington , and surplus sold off , without souring relations with his tenants .
5 We were brought up to date — or as up to date as it was possible to be .
6 And how many people can be sure of things about themselves when they 've been brought up to please other people ?
7 And the pretty new mugs were a symbol , something Dorothea would never have found or thought of for herself , for they were hand-thrown pottery , and she had always been brought up to fine-spun china .
8 I was brought up to be a butcher , ’ the man replied , looking me cordially in the eye .
9 ‘ All men wish all women to be gentle , ’ Mrs Browning commented , ‘ just as all women wish men to be strong and to alter this we must first start with our sons and what they are brought up to .
10 She was not brought up to be a major figure in political life , let alone a ruler .
11 Romanticism was brought up to date in a different way by the Scottish painter Joan Eardley ( 1921–63 ) , whose paintings and drawings are at the Mercury Gallery , 26 Cork Street , London W1 ( until May 9 ) .
12 Just because we have been born and brought up to something does n't mean we will always value it .
13 When , in 1972 , a proposal was made to demolish them and to sell the site for redevelopment , strong local opposition arose , as a result of which the almshouses were entirely renovated and the interiors brought up to modern standards .
14 This set the new tone of the UK 's argument : everything possible was being done and therefore any breaches of European law should be disregarded while ‘ things were brought up to scratch ’ .
15 If a school is under-performing , the commission , which will be answerable to Parliament , will have the powers to ensure that it is brought up to standard .
16 We 're brought up to live and breathe politics . ’
17 A new paperback edition brought up to date and published under the Trust 's own imprint , is published on 20 September ( £9.95 ) .
18 Both Victoria and Albert were delighted with the Emperor 's charm and amiability , but above all they were captivated by Eugènie ‘ the dear , sweet Empress ’ , though the Queen confided to the Emperor that she realized how difficult her role must be for someone who had not been brought up to it .
19 All cameras sold prior to these improvements will be brought up to the new specifications entirely free of charge .
20 Increasing cultural complexities suggest that Lodge 's image of the crossroads might even be brought up to date — and given , appropriately , a faintly foreign flavour — by the possibility of post-imperial Britain becoming increasingly a sort of spaghetti junction , heterogeneous styles and registers meeting , intertwining , competing or coalescing .
21 I was then brought up to this room , in which , at that point of the day , the sun was lighting up the floral patterns of the wallpaper quite agreeably .
22 During the Empire these conservative traditions were brought up to date by the adoption of hairstyles fashionable at court ; some individuals even imitated the physical characteristics of the imperial family .
23 He pointed out that on 3 March 1942 , his original recruits were down to three officers and thirteen men , and if brought up to strength they could be far better employed as a raiding force than as instructors for the proposed Indian units .
24 The standards and safety measures now required for the care of the elderly and disabled mean that houses used , for example , as Cheshire Homes , can only be brought up to current standards at inordinate expense and involving radical alteration of the historic interiors .
25 On the other hand a child who was brought up to be bilingual in French and English or who had a natural facility for ‘ picking up ’ languages could romp through his spoken French grades and have reached the top by the time he was 16 , while perhaps having achieved lower grades both in written French and in other more literary aspects of the subject .
26 Prisoners are brought up to date with new legislation that may affect them , such as housing and social security .
27 But we have been brought up to respect these intellectual tools so much that they supplant the innocent insight of a child .
28 On his arrival , he had asked for hot water to be brought up to his room at nine sharp the next morning , but the sight of one of the young servant girls struggling up the stairs from the kitchen with the huge kettle of boiling water had made him feel so guilty and ashamed he had not asked again .
29 Unfortunately , ad hoc bibliographies date quickly and are not always brought up to date after initial publication .
30 The story has been brought up to date with a challenging final chapter by Professor Lance Lanyon , Principal of the College .
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