Example sentences of "brought up in " in BNC.

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1 Tre ( Cuba Gooding Jr ) , Dough Boy ( Ice Cube ) and Ricky ( Morris Chestnut ) , are three young blacks brought up in an area where violence prevails .
2 ‘ No , I was brought up in Berkhamsted and I spent a couple of years living in Oxfordshire not so long ago , so I 'm not completely inflexible about this .
3 In 1966 I moved from the world of ‘ real polising ’ into areas of operational marginality which were further to confound the preference for the clearly delineated police world I had been brought up in .
4 Greatly as I admire both the man and his work , I consider Max Beerbohm a dangerous influence — just how dangerous one must perhaps have been brought up in England to know .
5 But more : Margaret had been brought up in a household where true magic had been corrupted for profit and was therefore rightly feared as dangerous .
6 The next generation which is taking over the reins of industry is a generation who were not brought up in the same milieu that I was brought up in .
7 The next generation which is taking over the reins of industry is a generation who were not brought up in the same milieu that I was brought up in .
8 Should girls brought up in Britain be allowed to go on to further education ?
9 Few women brought up in India can truthfully say that they have never felt Sharam .
10 All wiped out in the War and he was brought up in an orphanage .
11 I was brought up in Gilmer , Texas , as a fundamentalist Mormon .
12 Stepson of a rabbi and product of a broken home , Laszlo was brought up in an orphanage , and it is clear that from a very early age this intense , obstinate man sought not only to bring order to his own life but to control to an unprecedented degree the environment of his future family .
13 Dai Qing , brought up in one of China 's most privileged families , has an impeccable revolutionary pedigree .
14 Perhaps I take a special pleasure in Cold Comfort Farm from the fact that I was myself brought up in a rural setting , surrounded by wild-eyed manic depressives of the Starkadder school , while I was reading the works of D.H.Lawrence and F.R.Leavis , whose loam-laden versions of country life did n't quite chime with mine .
15 He came from a family of fourteen and was brought up in Ramsgate .
16 The country is not as deserted as all that , as McLeish , brought up in a village in Leicestershire , well knew .
17 The president has accused the defence minister , Husnu Dogan , a younger relation and an orphan brought up in the Ozal household , of being nothing short of a Brutus for opposing Semra 's decision .
18 Miss Varda 's entry , ‘ Jacquot de Nantes ’ was a poetic , affectionate evocation of the childhood of director Jacques Demy , her late husband , who was brought up in Nantes .
19 The chances are almost two-to-one that he was brought up in a fatherless household .
20 Brought up in the ethic of duty , this was hard for Jane to get used to , but when she broke out into the sunshine , it was all the more joyous , and she thanked God , or Nature , or Fate , or whatever power there is , that it had happened for her in her lifetime .
21 The great impact made by The Way of All Flesh suggests that many young men shared the experience of Pontifex , especially those who , like him , had been brought up in accordance with strict Evangelical principles .
22 One of eleven children , he had been brought up in poverty .
23 One of the problems of deciding how much of a person 's temperament is inherited is due to the fact that babies are usually brought up in an environment of both parents , or at least more than on individual , and that they take a while to grow and show many personality characteristics .
24 North also said that biblical verses were brought up in conversation , though they do not seem to have made it onto the surreptitious tape .
25 She agreed to come and I took her first to the more brilliantly decorated one , not knowing that she was not only a very religious woman but also a girl who had been brought up in the strictest kind of convent — no heating , nothing for show .
26 They were ‘ assez fins , astutes et inconstans daffection ’ — ( sufficiently subtle , astute and inconstant in affection ) — a very unattractive lot , in other words , apart from those courtiers who had been brought up in France .
27 Mary was indeed brought up in a country far wealthier and more powerful than that which she was to rule .
28 Those who observed the Scots without the disadvantages of succumbing to rheumatism or feeling the humiliation of having failed to conquer them — or having been brought up in luxury in France — could see beyond the poverty to these characteristics .
29 She seems to have been wholly unaware that she was in fact queen of a kingdom with a justifiably high opinion of itself — so much so that it is actually supremely ironic that Mary , brought up in one of the greatest of European countries , should have found this one , smaller , but passionately European , so much less interesting and appealing than the kingdom of England , not only Scotland 's traditional enemy , but already beginning the descent into the isolation which it was to maintain for much of the seventeenth century .
30 It is therefore no surprise that in the minority of James V the Scots turned with relief to the fact that this time there actually was a close royal relative , John duke of Albany , son of James III 's brother ; brought up in France , because of his rebellious father 's exile , Albany was invited to Scotland as regent .
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