Example sentences of "july [num] the " in BNC.

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1 While the peace Ballot held the field among peace activists , Sheppard made no attempt to establish an organization , but in July 1935 the ‘ Sheppard peace Movement ’ was founded , and in May 1936 this became the peace pledge Union .
2 By July 1980 the Midland had agreed to buy a 51% stake for $595m and to buy a further 6% at $225m over the next three years .
3 In July 1794 the death of Robespierre brought a feeling of relief ( Prelude 1805 , x , 536 ff ) .
4 In July 1986 the Metropolitan Police mounted a huge raid in Brixton , involving nearly 2,000 officers , aimed at selected premises in which cannabis offences were allegedly being committed .
5 In July 1986 the Amir dissolved the country 's legislature , the National Assembly , after it had repeatedly criticized the government , and announced that henceforth he would rule by decree .
6 On 16 July 1232 the king confirmed a perambulation which substantially reduced the extent of Sherwood Forest , and in July 1234 he disafforested the forest ‘ between Ouse and Derwent ’ , with the exception of the hay of Langwith .
7 On July 24-25 the Syrian government hosted talks in Damascus between the Foreign Ministers of Syria , Jordan , Egypt and Lebanon , the head of the PLO political department Farouq Qaddumi , and members of the Palestinian delegation to the peace talks , including Faisal al-Husseini and delegation leader Haider Abdel-Shafi .
8 Between June 1947 and July 1948 the Cabinet considered capital punishment six times .
9 On July 14-17 the area of An-Najah University in Nablus was surrounded by Israeli soldiers and declared a closed military zone .
10 On 28 July 1971 the Rhodesia Herald published a letter from me in response to a vitriolic attack by a Rhodesia Front Party MP : When Mr Irvine claims that the university campus is both a hotbed of evil living and orientated to the ‘ unpractical arts ’ subjects , did he visualise arts and social science students abandoning their studies in history , sociology and political science to take up carpentry and plumbing ?
11 By July 1971 the estimated costs had risen to £47,000 and the Building Fund stood at £12,000 .
12 In July 1971 the Chairman of the CDP wrote to three polytechnic directors who were apparently intending to make a direct approach to Mrs Thatcher , as Secretary of State , ‘ in relation to the possible granting of degree awarding powers to your polytechnic ’ : individual initiatives , he considered , were premature .
13 In July 1943 the Town and Country Planning ( Interim Development ) Bill received the Royal Assent , legislation which effectively extended planning control to the whole of the country not so far covered by a planning scheme .
14 Nithard 's main focus was on Charles ; but in July 840 the eyes of most of the elite were on Lothar .
15 On July 12 the government claimed to have overrun a LTTE base camp at Kanjikudichi Aru in the east of the province .
16 On July 12 the Chamber of Accounts of the Alpes-Maritimes département had issued an interim verdict holding Médecin responsible for irregular payments of over F13,000,000 ( approximately US$2,400,000 ) in public funds to a Paris finance house during an exercise in 1986 to restructure Nice city council 's debts ; he had been given until Sept. 17 to explain himself , ahead of a final ruling due in November .
17 On July 2 the ruling Bangladesh Nationalist Party ( BNP ) unexpectedly tabled a constitutional motion in parliament aimed at restoring parliamentary rule .
18 Roh and Bush affirmed on July 2 the mutual security ties between their two countries , whilst also discussing bilateral trade issues , particularly US access to South Korea 's financial and agricultural markets .
19 On July 2 the Christian Democrat-Free Democrat ( CDU-FDP ) coalition government in Saxony-Anhalt resigned , and on July 4 the outgoing Minister President , Gerd Gies ( CDU ) , was replaced by his former Finance Minister Werner Münch .
20 On June 30 to July 2 the army occupied the Algiers headquarters of the opposition fundamentalist Islamic Salvation Front ( FIS ) , closed two mosques and reported 700 arrests .
21 On July 2 the National Assembly and on July 7 the Senate ( upper house of parliament ) approved chapters I , II , III and IV of a major reform of the penal code which had been under legislative scrutiny since May 1989 .
22 On July 30 the BSP withdrew Kyuranov 's candidature , and in voting on that day BSP support brought Vulkov to within three votes of the required majority , but he then also withdrew .
23 Trinidad was represented at the summit by Sahadeo Basdeo , Minister of External Affairs and International Trade , and at a pre-summit meeting on July 30 the assembled heads of government issued a statement in which they expressed their " unequivocal condemnation " of the coup attempt .
24 On July 30 the African Liberation Forces of Mauritania ( FLAM ) announced in a communiqué released in Dakar the " immediate suspension of armed struggle " .
25 On July 30 the Defence Ministry announced a decision in principle to purchase anti-aircraft missile systems for the first time .
26 In July 1263 the king empowered him , with Richard de Gravesend , bishop of Lincoln , and Henry de Sandwich , bishop of London [ qq.v. ] , to reach a settlement with Simon , but the reimposition of the Provisions of Oxford which resulted reflected the realities of the political situation rather than Roger 's own political stance .
27 July 1993 The White Paper has now been published
28 In July 1885 the Salvation Army launched a nationwide purity campaign .
29 On July 22 the security forces discovered a series of mass graves near the village of Tirrukkovil in the east .
30 On July 22 the search for survivors in Baguio city was abandoned by foreign rescue teams , but local volunteers continued the search and , as late as July 30 , a man was rescued from beneath the ruins of a hotel .
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