Example sentences of "nor to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 On the whole , it can be said that Coleman , in the circumstances , served the College , the profession and the country , well and that a balanced assessment , tending neither to adulation nor to denigration , is indicated .
2 Equally , parents have no right to insist on the provision of single-sex schooling , nor to payment by the local authority of fees for educating the child in a single-sex school in the private sector .
3 The Chief Inspector is totally impartial and disinterested , owing allegiance neither to government nor to industry , and he decides every case in relation to the air safety aspect , without fear or favour .
4 From the Latin limbus ( the edge ) , it is the name given to the region inhabited by those spirits who can go neither to Heaven because they are not baptised , nor to Hell because they have committed no great sin .
5 George Stephen was not so poor an historian as to refuse credit to other parliamentarians such as Lushington , Brougham and Denman who could not be accounted Claphamites , nor to nonconformity in the country , nor to Emmanuel Cooper the Quaker for his work in the Agency nor Cropper and Sturge for their financial support of the Agency .
6 Though Charles the Bald could not evade the type of political problems just outlined , he was predestined neither to success nor to failure .
7 Ormrod J. seems to hold in Corbett that sexual relations with a woman with an artificial vagina would amount neither to consummation nor to adultery .
8 It exasperated his grandmother to see this forceful spirit drifting like a rudderless boat , directed neither to work nor to leisure .
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