Example sentences of "nor [vb past] the " in BNC.

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1 She suggests that as yet the British social work field has neither wholeheartedly accepted the credibility of the black perspective nor realized the benefits of alternative black expertise which would enhance black child care research .
2 There was a bitter tinge to the triumph , however , for he neither warned nor consulted the PLO before his announcement .
3 Jarvis 's money brought him in a tiny income , on which it was just possible to subsist if he walked everywhere , never went to the cinema , ate anything nice , smoked , drank , bought new clothes nor used the phone .
4 Moreover , a close reading of the quoted language in Section 3 above reveals that it neither provided a cause of action for non-delivery of the goods stated to have been shipped , nor deemed the statement in the bill conclusive evidence of shipment against the carrier .
5 But the common story , so far as we can tell , was of a prospering contado helping a few of the citizens to be successful merchants , carrying local market goods and some from longer distances ; and if Francis ' father had not been a successful merchant trading into France , the saint would not have borne the name he did , nor suffered the intense reaction to his father 's worldly values which helped to inspire him on the path to poverty and heaven .
6 But such men neither exercised the extreme severity , nor attracted the bitter odium , of Passelewe and Langley .
7 The other republics ( Uzbekistan , Tajikistan , Belorussia , Georgia , Armenia ) reported the situation in their republics to be " stable " , and neither welcomed nor condemned the coup .
8 Nor noticed the pillars of rosy marble that supported the window embrasure , nor the alcoves , glass-fronted , that were filled with china .
9 Nor paid the least Attention to its Charms ;
10 To our interjection that on the evidence from Poland and other European countries under Russian domination , applied Marxism had neither created the wealth nor allowed the freedom to enable the purpose , as it is perceived in the democratic west , of the State to be realised — that is , to provide the circumstances in which the individual may most fully live a life of his or her own and so fulfill his or her potential for awareness and creativity , he would reply that that perception was mistaken ; and go on to remind us that he had attached supreme importance to the State .
11 He had not seen the correspondence about the lines through Denbigh , as his men no longer worked over , nor signed the road to Denbigh .
12 NEITHER SEEN NOR HEARD The Rights Of Saudi Women
13 A bankruptcy petition can be issued against anyone who has a judgement debt registered against them of £750 or more and who has neither paid that debt nor satisfied the court that there is a valid counterclaim .
14 He never won the FA Cup as a player , nor reached the final .
15 What remains true is that the enlightened were a minority within the nation as a whole , which neither shared nor understood the patriotism of these ‘ medieval knights , noble , generous men of the spirit ’ .
16 The ICC issued a brusque statement which neither cleared nor convicted the Pakistanis .
17 The fact that other works of art not belonging to Capricorn were also on the premises did not affect that conclusion : nor did the absence of any outward sign of Capricorn on the premises have any significance , since it would be uncharacteristic for art dealers in objects of such high quality to place conspicuous nameplates on their premises .
18 Nor did the matter end there .
19 Nor did the documentary impulse make much impact on the films of Herbert Wilcox , whose ‘ patriotic ’ pictures always had a preachy tone .
20 Nor did the players start fighting before the kick-off , as happened when Chile played Brazil in the World Cup .
21 Nor did the Government 's means of analysing the need for roads always help very much .
22 Nor did the cheering cease when the runners got down to business and the three-mile race commenced , for at almost every fence Arkle and Mill House produced leaps which drew from the spectators whoops of appreciation .
23 Nor did the tide ebb once the horse was unsaddled : Jonjo O'Neill , having weighed in , hoisted the rejected Tony Mullins on to his shoulders , and the diminutive Mrs Hill was lifted into the air by the ecstatic mob .
24 Thomas himself was satisfied with the performance of his models though , of course , it did not have the refinements of the lift as eventually built , nor did the tanks have a wide track and a short wheel base .
25 Nor did the Israelis in the market by the Jaffa clock-tower have any idea where it was .
26 Yet the medical authorities would not dearly state this , nor did the police believe that they had a case capable of being taken further , not least because the abused woman could not tell us how it had happened .
27 Nor did the other guests seem to suspect anything .
28 Nor did the earlier Bull Sheet column reappear .
29 Nor did the party rally large ranks of the unemployed or underprivileged .
30 Nor did the Nonconformity which had survived the later Stuart period serve much as a form of social control , except for the small numbers it served .
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