Example sentences of "expected [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 PLEASE NOTE All groundhoppers are expected to wear the following regulation uniform : ‘ Donovan ’ canvas cap , blue anorak with Ford Motors logo , brown Crimplene trousers , a battered Liverpool/Spurs/Hendon hold-all , a dog-eared red ‘ Winfield ’ notebook with short two-inch pencil , filthy trainers , a hideously expensive camera and a pocket full of Mars bars .
2 Santa Clara , California start-up Nimbus Technologies Inc will next week come out with the first chipset targeted at the compatible builders which is tailored for use with the superscalar Sparcs — Viking and HyperSparc — both expected to hit the market in the second half of the year , see front page .
3 The fifteen pence cut is expected to hit The Independent and The Guardian hard .
4 Natural scientists are normally expected to acquire the skills and aptitudes necessary for research through learning the subject itself .
5 The Frankish king was expected to enforce the treaty imposed upon the Lombards by his father Pepin , and drive them back to their own territories .
6 Unlike the IBA , however , the ITC will not be responsible for broadcasting television programmes , and it will be expected to enforce the statutory duties by financial penalties imposed on offending television companies .
7 No child could be expected to enjoy the experience , but for refugee children there were several factors which made evacuation more than typically painful .
8 Central government may also be expected to monitor the implementation of the Elton Committee 's recommendations if not to provide the extra resources necessary for the extended role for ( and numbers on education welfare officers , teachers and LEA officers envisaged by the Report .
9 However States are not expected to monitor the prior treaty commitments of their potential treaty parties to ensure that they are compatible .
10 IN the improbable event of the Green party winning York , they could certainly be expected to nurse the constituency .
11 The case is expected to go the High Court some time next year .
12 Although there were violent clashes between rioters and police in Osaka in October 1990 [ see p. 37780 ] , there were fewer attempts by the radical left than had been expected to disrupt the enthronement ceremony of Emperor Akihito .
13 She was , she said , one of the last of the dinosaurs : born of Victorian parents when girls were expected to arrange the flowers and marry well .
14 In addition , Labour is expected to promise the Liberal Democrats fair representation in a new House of Lords , and also in the European Parliament , with PR elections in both cases .
15 They were expected to support the M-19 coalition .
16 The Liberal Democrats are expected to support the Government in the Maastricht debate next Wednesday .
17 What is he going to say when he discovers that he is expected to transmit the first report from an advisory unit in the history of government to include an account of the Director 's domestic arrangements ?
18 Mwinyi was expected to continue the reversal of the socialist policies pursued by his predecessor Julius Nyerere [ for whose retirement as CCM chairman in August see p. 37644 ] .
19 The size of the establishment could reasonably be expected to affect the number of young people being exposed to the different recruitment strategies ( although the relative numbers of small employers would also have to be borne in mind ) .
20 It is hoped that this meagre expedition into social history may provide at least some indication of the extent to which each decade has bred people of differing outlook on sexuality and an indication of the way in which different styles of upbringing and ways of social thinking in the childhood years of successive decades might be expected to affect the outlook and tolerance of adults throughout the varying age groups of society .
21 the uncertainties which are expected to affect the ultimate outcome .
22 Fatherless Shirley knew perfectly well that most British men carved , and that it was a bit of bad luck that she happened to have married into a family where the women were expected to wield the knife .
23 MANCHESTER CITY are expected to lose the services of centre half Andy Hill for several weeks after hospital tests last night on his troublesome groin .
24 However , with the post of president strengthened under the new constitution , Kaysone was expected to remain the dominant force in Lao politics .
25 a share which pays an annual dividend of 30p which is expected to remain the same for the foreseeable future .
26 A meeting of the Committee of Ministers of the current 24 members in Madrid on Feb. 21 was expected to confirm the decision .
27 A meeting of the club 's shareholders is expected to confirm the club will go into liquidation with debts of around £550,000 .
28 These perceptions also serve to obscure the inadequacy of social provision which supports the army of people , usually female relations , who are expected to carry the burden of the caring role , often at considerable personal sacrifice .
29 We looked at all aspects of play , we experimented in games and concluded that it is a running game , in which the player is expected to carry the ball ’ .
30 The papal itinerary is expected to include the former Portuguese colony of East Timor , annexed by Indonesia in 1976 , which has a predominantly Catholic population .
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