Example sentences of "income from [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 An overdraft facility at your local bank can prove extremely useful in meeting business expenses pending receipt of income from haulage contracts .
2 Carlisle , in 12th place , have the second-highest average home gates in the Third Division at more than 4,000 but need 11,000 to survive on income from gate receipts alone .
3 ‘ We 've also had problems reported with Barnet , Northampton and Brighton this summer and I 'm just glad that the season 's started so we can get some income from gate receipts .
4 It shows how the BBC 's income from TV licence charges is spent — that is , what proportion of the whole ( 100% ) goes to the different branches of the company .
5 But for Pisa , which has lost much of its income from tourism since the tower was closed more than two years ago for safety reasons , the real miracle is that work is to start at last .
6 In 1977 Greece received the equivalent of 3.5% of its GNP in remittances from abroad ( 6 ) ; in the same year Portugal accepted transfers from abroad , mainly from migrants , totalling more than 1,000m dollars , nearly three times the total estimated income from tourism .
7 Some 7% of all tourist accommodation in Germany is provided by farmers , and it is estimated that income from tourism accruing to farmers in the UK is equivalent to 2% of the agricultural domestic product .
8 Everywhere in Greece the hoped-for growth of income from tourism depends in part on removing the smells that haunt too many beaches and other places where north Europeans twitch noses and raise eyebrows .
9 Income from tourism can account for a sizeable proportion of an area 's total income ; it has been estimated that , in Cornwall in the 1960s , this was equal to the income generated by manufacturing in the county ( Cornwall County Council 1966 ) .
10 The total income from tourism would then equal our present income from North Sea Oil — heralded in the past as a saviour and bonanza .
11 Payment for shipping services , income from tourism , banking services and interest payments from international loans are other examples of invisibles .
12 Darlington Memorial Hospital should see increased income from GP fund-holders in the coming year with a North Yorkshire practice due to become a fund-holder from April 1 .
13 Er this is just to show income from building societies during the seventy five to ninety period , and the yellow line shows a decline or at least a jiggly line , which just reflects interest rates , and the un unit trust income rising over that time is the orange line .
14 Where personnel and funds permitted , worker cadres became full-time officials supported by membership dues , gifts to the party , income from newspaper sales , legal fund-raising activities — and robberies .
15 Multi-national companies take 80% share of the income from drug sales in the Philippines
16 The income from sponsorship should be used to underwrite educational professional activities which benefit the industry generally as well as the Association .
17 Against this background the main concern of Japanese labour was with the basic struggle to live , and to stay alive they needed an income from work .
18 In its extreme form , the poverty trap resulted in a situation where a £1 increase in income from work resulted in a reduction in net income , that is the worker was faced with a marginal tax rate in excess of 100 per cent ( for the first use of the term , see Frank Field and David Piachaud , New Statesman , 3 December 1971 ) .
19 If a person 's replacement ratio is high , it means that their income from benefit is near to their net income from work .
20 The distribution of wealth is important because one aim of the radical left should be to ensure that people draw an income from work , welfare and wealth .
21 The bigger the child benefit , therefore , the bigger the difference between welfare income and income from work for those claimants with children .
22 While this reform may seem small in itself , it will play an important part in the overall strategy being advocated here of people being able to draw an income from work , wealth , as well as welfare .
23 A further objective is to make sure that people do not move out of unemployment to an even lower income from work .
24 Horizontal equity is met more nearly by a wealth tax than by a higher income tax rate on unearned income ( income from property ) or than on income from work .
25 Our polyethylene licensing business continues to be successful in marketing BP Chemicals ’ gas phase technology , so providing a steady income from royalty payments .
26 The extra income from winter wheat , less the annual cost of putting in the drains comes to £5950 — this is what the Nature Conservancy Council would have to pay the farmer as compensation for preserving his pasture .
27 The Uridian economy depends on income from marioc sales and the Martian economy would collapse without regular supplies of the drug . ’
28 During 1989 and 1990 the Sultan and his government continued their efforts to reduce Brunei 's dependence on income from petroleum and natural gas — broadening the economy was the primary aim of the fifth five-year plan ( 1986-90 ) .
29 Unlike the BBC , which gleaned income from license money , ITV needed money from advertising , and tempting advertisers meant guaranteeing them ratings .
30 The net costs of Eagle Lodges appear for the first time in the income and expenditure account and are largely attributable to setting up costs as there was little income from occupancy during 1990 .
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