Example sentences of "myself with the " in BNC.

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1 After a quick wash and shave , dressed in a freshly pressed kilt and battledress blouse , polished boots and all , I presented myself with the other Commandos at the orderly room to get my hands on that very important rail pass .
2 I console myself with the thought that whatever happens to the ankles of others ( and there is no doubt that prettily turned item is a tremendous turn-on ) , mine are contemplated without the libido 's charging in with its usual tedious cries of ‘ Me , me , me ’ .
3 Reeling somewhat from the gin concoction , and making for the captain 's office , I console myself with the thought that if I need anything from an appendectomy to open heart surgery , there is no shortage of equipment or expertise to hand .
4 ‘ Still , at least you seem to appreciate I 've given you the plum job , whilst landing myself with the task of keeping an eye on Fedorov .
5 I will learn to know myself with the help of my inner teacher .
6 As I do not , as a rule , take alcohol , the one glass of sherry I had with lunch enabled me to enjoy myself with the other guests .
7 I am still very critical of my own shape but I console myself with the fact that while it is far from perfect , it is better than it used to be .
8 In the middle of a still most active social life I am being drawn into an absolute solitude in which I can not even entertain myself with the motions of the teleonomic mechanisms on stage or screen , and making love is equivalent to copulating with a perfectly lifelike mechanical doll .
9 I must content myself with the last verse of a hymn in honour of St Bartholomew :
10 I consoled myself with the thought that he would n't find out from me ; there was enough trouble at home already .
11 Frankie read his tattered old comic and I busied myself with the crocks .
12 There have been a few moments during the making of Aspel and Company which have aged me considerably — but then I comfort myself with the thought that life would be very dull without any crises to get the heart racing .
13 And since he obviously had n't recognised me , I did n't want to connect myself with the house , until I 'd found out what his game was . ’
14 It is a struggle to paint grasses in a true watercolour technique and the purist may well react against the use of white and acrylic here , but I have found a release from the restrictions of technique through this method and comfort myself with the knowledge that white has been in common use by artists throughout the history of watercolour painting .
15 Indeed I have often chided myself with the realization that I have not lived up to the standards that they set .
16 I comfort myself with the belief that my friend was right and those epic days on the crags will endure long after the memories of trouble-free ascents , which merely add another tick to the guidebook , have dimmed .
17 Having replied Yes with much confidence in his initial request I did not think I could take two steps to the rear , so I hastened to add that the job would take me some considerable time as ti would be my spare-time/spare-time job , consoled myself with the thought that it was the first time that I had made anything to be used in a church , so it would be a challenge .
18 I satisfied myself with the knowledge that I would suffer far more from leaving him than he would suffer from my absence .
19 I shall not have to concern myself with the interview of [ W ] but I shall concern myself with the interviews of [ the co-accused ] . ’
20 I shall not have to concern myself with the interview of [ W ] but I shall concern myself with the interviews of [ the co-accused ] . ’
21 I would , however , wish to associate myself with the observations of my noble and learned friend , Lord Browne-Wilkinson , as to the unsatisfactory nature of this conclusion .
22 I concerned myself with the wrong person , she thought .
23 I jab myself with the pencil But perhaps that 's a dream , too .
24 Again I felt that terrible pain and sickness , but a few seconds later I found myself with the face and body and character of Henry Jekyll once more .
25 In late October he wrote again to Rohde : " This evening I was at the Euterpe Society , which has started its winter concerts , and refreshed myself with the Prelude to Tristan und Isolde as well as the Overture to Die Meistersinger .
26 ‘ I see now what a mistake it was to listen to her , but she planted the seed quite naturally , in her own devious little way , and I thought about it , torturing myself with the knowledge that it was a possibility .
27 May I associate myself with the praise that has been heaped on the know-how fund ?
28 May I first associate myself with the words of the hon. Member for Hendon , South ( Mr. Marshall ) with whom I fully agree ?
29 May I associate myself with the Prime Minister 's remarks about Queen Elizabeth II ?
30 I associate myself with the expressions of sympathy .
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