Example sentences of "myself to [art] " in BNC.

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1 As an exercise and to test my familiarity with the material , I drafted a summary of disputes procedures , both national and local , confining myself to a single sheet of A4 .
2 As I helped myself to a drop of Taff 's tea the guns down by the River Orne opened up again , the shells all heading in the direction of the German positions .
3 Recognizing all this , and being shown too where the power lies in this social order , the politics of inversion become persuasive , perhaps irresistible ; this is Moll , about to thrash the predatory Laxton : ‘ I scorn to prostitute myself to a man , /that can prostitute a man to me ’ ( iii .
4 Last year , I treated myself to a £40 fake fur mini skirt ( British label ) with the latest leopard print .
5 To attempt to summarise the cookery of the Far East in two or three paragraphs would be impossible , so I will limit myself to a brief description of some of the more readily available Oriental foods , and an Eastern style recipe for the buffet table which is always very popular in my catering business .
6 Why should I put myself to a lot of trouble and difficulty when — perhaps — you could just give the terrorists what they ask and save all the bother ? ’
7 It was only the thought of this poor baby in me that made me stir at all and get myself to a friend of Ferdinando 's who is in the way of knowing all the business of the street being a wine-merchant and visited by all .
8 Ellen was emphatic : — I could not take myself to a Foreign Land as you did Lily and never wanted such a thing and though you would be there that alone would in no way satisfy me and I should be afraid .
9 On page 48 , Jim Levi profiles the man who will occupy one of the hottest seats in British banking , so I will confine myself to a few points .
10 ( I should point out that I could not bring myself to a Japanese option ! )
11 I committed myself to a series of disjointed actions which at the moment of decision all seemed reasonable but which immediately afterwards were as terrifying as they were irrevocable .
12 I treated myself to a night in the Ceilidh Place ; I had not given up the habit of including the dangly earrings and the flowery trousers in the rucksack .
13 I 'd got my toast and strawberry jam , I 'd treated myself to a doughnut as well , and I 'd got my bag and my money and my dreams back .
14 I concluded my own column of that week as follows : ‘ After sneering at Lord Mogg , I suppose I should commit myself to a conclusion of my own from the last ten days ' dramas .
15 ‘ I introduced myself to a senior police officer as an international terrorist who would like to be taken to the England dressing room .
16 It was as though there was a sort of non-resolved question of wanting to commit myself to a particular idea of having non-monogamous relationships and not buying into the feelings of jealousy .
17 In the face of thumb joints with developing arthritis , I decided to lash out and treat myself to a Silver Reed punching machine , PM10 .
18 I would still chain myself to a disused railway line in Bacup for him , but the lad can do better . ’
19 Althusser denies the need for a more detailed account on the grounds that ‘ As the formal structure of all ideology is always the same , I shall restrict myself to a single example , one accessible to everyone , that of religious ideology , with the proviso that the same demonstration can be produced for ethical , legal , political , aesthetic ideology , etc . ’
20 The expression " New Deal " was first used by Roosevelt in his speech accepting the Democratic Party nomination as its presidential candidate in July 1932 , when he said " I pledge you , I pledge myself to a new deal for the American people . "
21 I filed them neatly in the waste basket and helped myself to a cigarette .
22 As I helped myself to a cigarette from the depleted pack I was turning over some of what he 'd told me .
23 Then I helped myself to a cigarette .
24 In the present chapter , I will restrict myself to a simple summary of Kuhn 's views .
25 After so many years of being on my own I really do n't want to settle down and commit myself to a relationship .
26 helped myself to a load of paper threes and I seem to have done them all .
27 I sent myself to a Baroque theatre
28 I went through to the dining-room and helped myself to a pint of the neuron-friendly punch Uncle Hamish always made for the event .
29 I compared myself to a dog who has got hold of a large piece of meat , and runs away with it to a corner , where he may devour it in peace , without any fear of others taking it from him . ’
30 Later , in my cabin , I treated myself to a long , languorous Omnipure sauna before turning at last to the task of choosing my outfit for the meeting with the Emissary .
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