Example sentences of "myself [verb] with " in BNC.

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1 A couple of years ago , I found myself consumed with this very thought .
2 I myself toyed with a philosophical perfecto …
3 Between ourselves , I sometimes find myself struggling with the reality of living in a Church which patently does not live out the implications of all this .
4 Since I hated the police , it was natural that I should feel myself aligned with the prostitutes .
5 My mother ignored this , while I felt myself flush with vicarious embarrassment .
6 I used to keep myself fit with swimming .
7 It is easy for a well-fed English-woman like myself to shake with anger about the futility of war , to protest about the iniquity of racial prejudice and to deplore the helplessness of little people in the face of vast political forces fighting for power .
8 In consequence of my suggestion , Harold Wilson asked Aitken and myself to dine with him to discuss the matter and to my amazement Max Aitken said that he would go , but only if I accompanied him .
9 I found myself revising with the small colloquia that lay around the grassy precincts of the university .
10 and the dictionary people so I have to tape myself conversing with people
11 I myself met with Miss Campbell in Tarbert , Harris in 1976 .
12 I found myself wincing with him .
13 They are definitely changing ; both Chauvel and myself travel with video cameras .
14 This panel I myself replaced with a softly spoken ‘ Guten Tag ’ .
15 One day I know I wo n't have room for everything but for the moment I wo n't bring myself to part with something I have found , ’ she said .
16 I had to train myself to deal with people and situations and it 's quite possible — once you make your mind up .
17 ‘ But those do n't apply to us as they imply a sharing that 's total , and there 's only one area of my life that I can bring myself to share with you . ’
18 I can not get myself to react with critical coolness towards this music ; every tissue , every nerve vibrates in me and it is a long time since I had such an enduring feeling of rapture as when listening to the latter overture . "
19 I started keeping any post connected with finance away from him , and myself dealt with the usual household accounts such as the telephone and electricity , because even they sent him into a frenzy of checking and referring back to previous demands , an attitude completely alien to his normal temperament .
20 Once more , I found myself sympathising with a Punters lady .
21 I nearly got myself stuck with a beard
22 Somewhere nearby a field of broad beans was in full flower and as the exotic scent drifted across I found myself inhaling with half-closed eyes as though straining to discern the ingredients of the glorious melange .
23 I found myself sitting with Jane and Sonia .
24 Just before Christmas , I found myself sitting with two friends in the consulting room of an African doctor .
25 Recently I sold a number of ‘ profit share ’ shares and found myself left with six shares which I had received as a dividend .
26 But I find myself left with what may be called the first main proposition of this book :
27 Amid the clippings , I find a snapshot of myself sitting on top of a Syrian T-54 battle tank on the Beirut front line at Galerie Semaan ; another photograph taken by Zoheir Saade of the Associated Press shows Ed Cody of the AP and myself standing with Syrian troops in the mountains before the 1976 advance on Beirut .
28 I am enjoying myself playing with the autopilot , either adjusting the trim with the ‘ coolie hat ’ on top of the cyclic or playing disconnect , move and reset as an alternative .
29 Said the communique De Benedetti sent out by facsimile about an hour after his meeting with the judges , which the paper said seemed to be written in his own hand : ‘ Several times , I resisted the vexations of the regime , in some occasions I resigned myself to accept them , but only when I found myself faced with the necessity of defending the survival of the company and the thousands of dependents and shareholders toward whom I felt a massive responsibility .
30 I felt myself shake with anger .
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